The forward bullet momentum is imparted to the head before the head explodes so the head is driven forward before it is driven backward. One has to take into account that the rearward momentum imparted by the exploding matter from the head first had to stop the head from going forward. It is already accelerating rearward in z313.
There are two problems I have.
One. As I understand it, the Law on the Conservation of Momentum is an absolute law. It must be adhered to millisecond to millisecond. Instant to instant. It's not like a checking account with overdraft protection. It can never be, even temporarily, even for just 55 millisecond, or 1 millisecond, "Out of balance".
Two. During z312-z313, there was (according to you, if I understand you correctly) the momentum of:
1. The head moving forward.
2. The forward momentum of the bullet fragments, which all three fragments together still have about half the momentum of the pristine bullet.
3. The forward momentum of organic material flying forward which we can see in z313.
You seem to imply that this would put the momentum out of balance. And it would take time for the head to stop it's forward movement and start moving backwards. Only after the head started moving backwards, would the overall momentum of the head, bullet fragments and organic material get back in balance, that is be equal to the momentum of the pristine bullet.
My 'High School' understanding of Classical Newtonian Physics (my knowledge of Physics only comes from a course in high school from an excellent teacher) is that this is in error. Conservation of Momentum must be maintained millisecond to millisecond. Instant to Instant. It can never be temporarily out of balance. And so "It takes time for the forward motion to slow down and stop", "It takes time for the backwards momentum to reverse" cannot be true.
If the 'Jet Effect' is true, JFK's head would have moved forward, at most, about 0.4 inches (1 cm) during the first 10 mm, the longest Dr. Ken Rahn thought the explosion of the head could be delayed. At that point, the head would explode and organic material would be moving forward. Requiring the head to start moving backwards,
immediately. But instead of seeing this, frames z312 and z313 shows that the head moved forward a full 2 inches (5 cm). Consistent with the organic material having a small amount of forward momentum (it clearly had some) but not enough to reverse the direction of movement or to even slow down the forward movement very much. Only when the muscles of JFK's body started to contract would this backwards movement of the head start.
Note: Regardless of how long Dr. Ken Rahn thought the head explosion could be delayed, z313 shows the head explosion occurred very early. The 'Harper fragment' being seen as a series of 'dots' two to four feet from JFK's head shows the head exploded very early on, just after the shutter closed on z312. The head should have been moving backwards at the time the shutter opened for z313 if the 'Jet Effect' was true.
A melon is not a good model for a human skull. The bullet does not impart much forward momentum to the melon in penetrating the melon. Also the melon is not free to move forward. A melon sitting on a wet level ice surface with hard bone strapped to it for the bullet to pass through on entry would provide a better model.
Then I would like to see a film of a better model of a human head being shot, moving forward two inches, and then reversing direction starting 55 milliseconds after the bullet strikes. Some good experiment that can lead me into believing the 'Jet Effect' theory might be true in the case of the JFK assassination.