Waldman tells us that Kleins business records indicates that C2766 was sent to Oswald's PO Box by Parcel Post on the 20th of March, which is exactly what I said. C2766 was sent by Kleins to Oswald's PO box.
Mr. BELIN. Is there a date of shipment which appears on this microfilm record?
Mr. WALDMAN. Yes; the date of shipment was March 20, 1963.
Mr. BELIN. Does it show by what means it was shipped?
Mr. WALDMAN. It was shipped by parcel post as indicated by this circle around the letters "PP."
You can't be this superficial and gullible, can you?
Waldman tells us that Kleins business records indicates that C2766 was sent to Oswald's PO Box by Parcel Post on the 20th of March, which is exactly what I said.
No, that's not what you said. That's what you misrepresented. Waldman confirming what some markings on a copy of a document mean doesn't provide proof that something was actually sent.
You claimed without reservation and utterly misleading that "C2766 was sent by Kleins to Oswald's PO box." when there is no evidence for that.
All there really is, is a copy of a microfilm showing an internal document of Kleins' on which somebody unknown, at some point in time, has written a serial number and the letters "PP". That's it. They never authenticated the document by having the person who wrote those markings confirm them. And they can't check it against the microfilm either as that's been "missing" for decades now!
And since you didn't answer anything else in your usual point by point fashion, I decided through gritted teeth to go back and read past where I stopped reading your original post and boy oh boy another Martin Whopper, you really got to learn the evidence, the amount of fallacies you are spreading is getting out of control, first all your Tippit misinformation and now this. Ouchie Mama!
Read, comprehend and learn!
Spare me the pathetic LN patronizing. It doesn't impress.
C2766 was photographed with Oswald which was verified by the HSCA photographic panel.
First of all, a conclusion by the HSCA based on non existing evidence isn't somehow evidence.
Secondly, there is no proof that the rifle Oswald was holding in the BY photos is C2766. All the HSCA panel said in their report is that the rifle looked similar to the one they photographed at the National Archives. They do not mention C2766 anywhere in their report. So, read their report and stop lying about the evidence!
So let's connect the dots so far, Kleins sent C2766 to Oswald's PO BOX and we know C2766 arrived because Oswald was Photographed with C2766, see how easy this is!
It is indeed easy to simply make up stuff based on claims for which there is no evidence. It's exactly what I am used to when it comes to you!
You can repeat your crappy arguments a thousand times more and they still will never become true. The dots you want to connect only exist in your imagination.