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Author Topic: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!  (Read 15883 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2023, 03:01:57 PM »
We know that a crime was committed at 12:30 using a rifle fired from the 6th floor.  That is a fact even most CTer loons can agree upon.  Witnesses saw the rifle in the 6th floor window at that moment.  Witnesses below that window heard the shots being fired directly above their heads.  One TSBD employee left their prints on the SN boxes.  Oswald.  Bullet casings from Oswald's rifle were found by the window from which the shots were fired.  Oswald's rifle was found on that floor.  Oswald had no credible alibi.  Instead he flees the scene.  A witness confirms that Oswald was the man with the rifle in that window.  These are all cast aside as "assumptions."  LOL.   These loons are suggesting that a time machine is necessary to prove that Oswald was on the 6th floor at 12:30.  There would be no debate at all in other criminal case when the suspect leaves the murder weapon at the scene of the crime.  Oswald had an opportunity to explain to the police why his rifle was there.  Instead he lies to them and denies ownership of the rifle.  Oswald is connected to this rifle in numerous ways from evidence that comes from a variety of different sources.  It is a slam dunk of guilt. 
« Last Edit: June 10, 2023, 03:03:10 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2023, 03:01:57 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2023, 03:02:59 PM »

You're welcome.


Did you think your flawed arguments would get any better when you post gifs?  :D :D :D :D

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2023, 03:05:18 PM »
We know that a crime was committed at 12:30 using a rifle fired from the 6th floor.  That is a fact even most CTer loons can agree upon.  Witnesses saw the rifle in the 6th floor window at that moment.  Witnesses below that window heard the shots being fired directly above their heads.  One TSBD employee left their prints on the SN boxes.  Oswald.  Bullet casings from Oswald's rifle were found by the window from which the shots were fired.  Oswald's rifle was found on that floor.  Oswald had no credible alibi.  Instead he flees the scene.  A witness confirms that Oswald was the man with the rifle in that window.  These are all cast aside as "assumptions."  LOL.   These loons are suggesting that a time machine is necessary to prove that Oswald was on the 6th floor at 12:30.  There would be no debate at all in other criminal case when the suspect leaves the murder weapon at the scene of the crime.  Oswald had an opportunity to explain to the police why his rifle was there.  Instead he lies to them and denies ownership of the rifle.  Oswald is connected to this rifle in numerous ways from evidence that comes from a variety of different sources.  It is a slam dunk of guilt.

Wash, rinse and repeat

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2023, 03:05:18 PM »

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2023, 06:00:16 PM »
I always find it interesting that the people on here who defend the WR, and I'm sure there are many others as well, keep saying and doing the same old tired thing - it was the gun order or threads or this or that.

There are plenty of other things that contradict the WR's conclusions and if Oswald had been allowed to live and be adequately represented at trial, all of these things would have brought a harsh light on the conclusions.

Even the Wiki page has been vastly improved to show the skepticism of the report's conclusions, yet the same old tried people on here just cannot and will not open up their eyes and minds - even for just a little bit - to see that the report was very flawed. It reminds me of the folks who wave banners around when Trump is visiting and the sign says TRUMP WON 2020.

Funny, too, how the same folks here who worship the WR say very little about what another "Blue ribbon panel" concluded - the HSCA in the 70's.

More than anything, here's a nice quote that perfectly fits what's lacking from folks on here:

"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider."  --  Sir Francis Bacon:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2023, 06:12:33 PM by Michael Walton »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2023, 06:52:55 PM »
The WC evidence that proves Oswald purchased C2766.

No, it’s evidence of somebody’s wishful thinking that a couple of block letters on a copy from “missing” microfilm can be conclusively identified.

The proof Oswald possessed C2766.

A photo containing a rifle that has not and cannot be uniquely identified.

The HSCA proof that the identifying gouge on C2766 was seen in the backyard photo

“Identifying gouge”. LOL.

“I did find one notch in the stock at this point that appears very faintly in the photograph, but it is not sufficient to warrant positive identification.” - Lyndal Shaneyfelt, 1964

A still from the film evidence taken the afternoon of the 22nd proving that C2766 was recovered

Tells you exactly nothing about what weapon killed the president or who fired it.

Oswald's print on the long brown paper bag found in the sniper's nest

Evidence that this was “found in the sniper’s nest” or had anything to do with a crime: goose egg.

The FBI's proof that the Lt Day print came from C2766

No, that would be another contrived “Mytton” gif. The FBI’s “proof” was a letter from Hoover and a smudge.

A tuft of several fresh, dark blue, gray-black, and orange-yellow cotton fibers

There’s no evidence to determine that they were “fresh” (whatever that even means).

was found in a crevice between the butt plate of the Carcano and the wooden stock. The FBI laboratory found that the colors, and even the twist of the fibers, perfectly matched those on the shirt Oswald was wearing at the time of his arrest.

“Perfectly matched” is typical “Mytton” spin. It’s 3 colors in a sample of only 6 or 7 fibers. You can’t match them to any particular shirt to the exclusion of all other objects.

Though such fibers could theoretically have come from another identical shirt, the prohibitive probability is that they came from Oswald’s shirt.

Lawyer weasel words that prove nothing.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2023, 06:54:02 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2023, 06:52:55 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2023, 12:22:29 AM »

Funny, too, how the same folks here who worship the WR say very little about what another "Blue ribbon panel" concluded - the HSCA in the 70's.

Hi Michael, you do realize that the HSCA with teams of handwriting experts, photographic experts, medical experts, ballistics experts and etc concluded that;

On the Kennedy assassination, the HSCA concluded in its 1979 report that:
1. Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at Kennedy. The second and third shots Oswald fired struck the President. The third shot he fired killed the President.

So as can be seen The HSCA with advanced scientific techniques had the exact same conclusion of who committed the murder of Kennedy than the Warren Commission, it was only at the 11th hour that flawed dictabelt acoustic evidence apparently showed a missed shot from the front and even then the HSCA said there was only a "high probability".

The HSCA also couldn't find any connection of conspiracy with the Soviets, the Cubans, anti castro Cuban groups, The Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or the Central Intelligence Agency.

For further research into the flawed dictabelt evidence cab be read here;

A modern American hero Steve Barber was a vital part of the discovery of the flawed HSCA dictabelt evidence.

And without the flawed dictabelt evidence, the HSCA and the WC came to the exact same conclusion, that Oswald killed Kennedy.


Offline John Mytton

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2023, 12:45:06 AM »
We know that a crime was committed at 12:30 using a rifle fired from the 6th floor.  That is a fact even most CTer loons can agree upon.  Witnesses saw the rifle in the 6th floor window at that moment.  Witnesses below that window heard the shots being fired directly above their heads.  One TSBD employee left their prints on the SN boxes.  Oswald.  Bullet casings from Oswald's rifle were found by the window from which the shots were fired.  Oswald's rifle was found on that floor.  Oswald had no credible alibi.  Instead he flees the scene.  A witness confirms that Oswald was the man with the rifle in that window.  These are all cast aside as "assumptions."  LOL.   These loons are suggesting that a time machine is necessary to prove that Oswald was on the 6th floor at 12:30.  There would be no debate at all in other criminal case when the suspect leaves the murder weapon at the scene of the crime.  Oswald had an opportunity to explain to the police why his rifle was there.  Instead he lies to them and denies ownership of the rifle.  Oswald is connected to this rifle in numerous ways from evidence that comes from a variety of different sources.  It is a slam dunk of guilt.

And even with a time machine the hardcore conspiracy theorist wouldn't believe their own lying eyes! Hahaha!

It's kinda ironic that Martin uses the phrase of "connect the dots" because that leads to his unknown, unseen conspiracy but the reality is that by connecting the dots it leads straight to Lee Harvey Oswald.

Whenever a list of the incriminating evidence is posted, some Conspiracy Kook goes through 1 by 1 and shows how each piece of rock solid evidence is somehow false because of some reason or another but shouldn't their list of objections be evidence that leads to whoever committed the crime but alas they can never make a connection because their grievances are just a jumbled mess which ultimately leads nowhere!


Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2023, 12:58:50 AM »
And even with a time machine the hardcore conspiracy theorist wouldn't believe their own lying eyes! Hahaha!

It's kinda ironic that Martin uses the phrase of "connect the dots" because that leads to his unknown, unseen conspiracy but the reality is that by connecting the dots it leads straight to Lee Harvey Oswald.

Whenever a list of the incriminating evidence is posted, some Conspiracy Kook goes through 1 by 1 and shows how each piece of rock solid evidence is somehow false because of some reason or another but shouldn't their list of objections be evidence that leads to whoever committed the crime but alas they can never make a connection because their grievances are just a jumbled mess which ultimately leads nowhere!


When you start to complain about those nasty non-believers, it usually means that you haven't got a reply to the points that have been raised.

It's kinda ironic that Martin uses the phrase of "connect the dots" because that leads to his unknown, unseen conspiracy but the reality is that by connecting the dots it leads straight to Lee Harvey Oswald.

Which only tells me that you really are clueless about how to understand evidence and connect actual dots.

each piece of rock solid evidence


Here's a simple question for you, so you can show us you're not as superficial as I believe you are.

What is the photocopy of a microfilm of an order form (in name of Hidell), an envelope and a money order actually "rock solid evidence" of?

Easy question, right? You should be able to answer it, shouldn't you? Go on than....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: One of the most important books in this case is free and online!
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2023, 12:58:50 AM »