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Author Topic: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?  (Read 14505 times)

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2023, 04:52:47 PM »
Researcher Greg Parker has an interesting theory and that is that Oswald had no knowledge of the upcoming murder. In other words he was completely innocent and the reason why he was murdered was not to shut him up about what he knew about the plot, but just to shut him up. I've thought about this and I agree with this now.

I also believe he WAS being manipulated but unknowingly about the murder itself. I believe he was a [very] low-level agent doing "intelligence" about Communists. Thus, the handing out of the leaflets in NO, getting on TV later about it and looking proudly as he explains who he is, and so on. Doing this allowed him to be photographed where his head could later be put onto the BYP. His alias was also a ruse. Doing this showed him to be a rabid Marxist and so on.

This all started, too, the moment he did the fake defection, then returned. There are others out there who we've never heard from again who also did this kind of thing. Robert Webster was another of them.

He asks a co-worker what the commotion was. When he was told the President is coming, he says "oh." He later says in front of TV cameras that the only reason why he was arrested was because he lived in Russia, then went on to say he was a patsy.

He stated the BYP were fake, with his head pasted. He said he'd be able to show how that could be done [because after all, he worked at a photo place].

He supposedly kills the president but has no grand getaway plan. He supposedly sticks around the building, is dismissed from work, walks over to catch a cab home, gives it up for a lady, takes the bus home, changes his clothes, then takes this long roundabout walk where he supposedly is confronted by Tippit, where he guns him down. Then he goes to the theater. The "6 foot 160 lb" description goes out within 15 minutes of the murder. How do they know this so soon? And it's not even accurate, far from it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2023, 04:52:47 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2023, 05:49:58 PM »
Researcher Greg Parker has an interesting theory and that is that Oswald had no knowledge of the upcoming murder. In other words he was completely innocent and the reason why he was murdered was not to shut him up about what he knew about the plot, but just to shut him up. I've thought about this and I agree with this now.

I also believe he WAS being manipulated but unknowingly about the murder itself. I believe he was a [very] low-level agent doing "intelligence" about Communists. Thus, the handing out of the leaflets in NO, getting on TV later about it and looking proudly as he explains who he is, and so on. Doing this allowed him to be photographed where his head could later be put onto the BYP. His alias was also a ruse. Doing this showed him to be a rabid Marxist and so on.

This all started, too, the moment he did the fake defection, then returned. There are others out there who we've never heard from again who also did this kind of thing. Robert Webster was another of them.

He asks a co-worker what the commotion was. When he was told the President is coming, he says "oh." He later says in front of TV cameras that the only reason why he was arrested was because he lived in Russia, then went on to say he was a patsy.

He stated the BYP were fake, with his head pasted. He said he'd be able to show how that could be done [because after all, he worked at a photo place].

He supposedly kills the president but has no grand getaway plan. He supposedly sticks around the building, is dismissed from work, walks over to catch a cab home, gives it up for a lady, takes the bus home, changes his clothes, then takes this long roundabout walk where he supposedly is confronted by Tippit, where he guns him down. Then he goes to the theater. The "6 foot 160 lb" description goes out within 15 minutes of the murder. How do they know this so soon? And it's not even accurate, far from it.

I can't agree with everything you've said, simply because of a lack of knowledge or evidence, but I most certainly agree there something just not right about the official narrative's version of what happened between Kennedy being shot and Tippit being murdered.

Oswald seems to have done everything he could possibly do to draw maximum attention to himself, if the official narrative is to be believed. Leaving behind a rifle, with allegedly his prints on it (although the FBI couldn't find them), leaving the building without asking permission or notifying anybody. Hopping on a bus that would bring him straight back to the crime scene and then ask for a transfer. Getting in a taxi only to offer it to a woman who asked for one. Instead of trying to get out of town as quickly as possible (what you would expect an assassin to do), he then takes a walk to a residential area (where he can hardly get there in time, if at all) and for no obvious reason shoots a police man, who stopped him ... for what exactly? He then makes sure that he is noticed by a shoe salesman and again draws attention to himself by entering the Texas Theater without buying a ticket..... None of that adds up or makes any sense.

And then there is the strange story of Oswald, having just spend an entire morning in a dusty warehouse, going back to his roominghouse where he changes his clothes (he told his interrogators he changed them all) but somehow not his shirt and low and behold Bledsoe "recognizes" that shirt because it has a hole it one of the arms and fibers allegedly similar to those of that shirt are found on the rifle found at the TSBD. And as if that isn't enough, he's is also allegedly carrying a fake Hidell ID in his wallet that provides a connecting to the ordering of the rifle, 8 months earlier.

I wonder what more could Oswald possibly have done to draw attention to himself and provide law enforcement officers with the evidence they needed? Put up a billboard sign, perhaps?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2023, 06:16:52 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2023, 08:11:59 PM »
Didn't you already post this rot in a different thread?

Anyway, the point of this thread is to show you dear reader that the amount of effort and planning to link the alias Hidell with the person Oswald was an effort of enormous magnitude and required forgery, planting evidence in obscure places and a stack of lies. This sequence of inconceivable events I doubt would even be contemplated by a fiction author like Ian Fleming or Robert Ludlum, because of the absurd unbelievability, yet almost 60 years later the mind of an ever increasingly desperate conspiracy theorist who believes anything and I mean anything is possible, just take it all in their stride. -sigh-

This is the usual fallacious “my unsubstantiated claims about the evidence are true or else you must prove that a giant conspiracy faked and planted everything” argument.

Nope. Strawman and false dichotomy.
It was either Oswald or;

The Hidell ID was manufactured by conspirators
The Hidell ID was planted by the Police
The Hidell ID negatives were manufactured by conspirators
The Hidell ID negatives were planted by conspirators in the Paine residence
The Hidell name was inserted by conspirators into the New Orleans post box application records.
The Hidell name was connected To Oswald's New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee by conspirators.
The Hidell name was used as The "Chapter President" of Oswald's made up Cuba Committee by conspirators.
The Hidell name was forged by conspirators onto Oswald's "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets
The Hidell name was written on membership cards by conspirators other than Marina, who must have lied.
The Hidell name was a play on "Fidel" according to Marina who must have lied
The Hidell name was forged onto the Kliens coupon
The Hidell Kleins coupon addressed to Oswald was forged onto the Kliens microfilm
The Hidell name was forged onto the Kleins envelope
The Hidell Kleins Envelope addressed to Oswald was forged onto the Kleins microfilm
The Hidell name on on the Kleins Coupon found by Waldman on the night following the assassination was forgotten?
The Hidell rifle was never sent to Oswald's PO box
The Hidell newly manufactured microfilm was substituted at some point with Kleins business records microfilm.
The Hidell ID was admitted by Oswald or Police lied
The Hidell ID was admitted by Oswald or a Postal official lied
The Hidell ID was asked of Oswald or an FBI agent lied
The Hidell name was forged onto Oswald Job applications as a reference
The Hidell rifle was photographed with Oswald by either forgery or trickery
The Hidell rifle was planted on the 6th floor of Oswald's work by conspirators
The Hidell revolver coupon was forged by conspirators
The Hidell name was forged onto the Seaport-Traders paperwork
The Hidell revolver was lied about by the Police
The Hidell revolver was substituted by Police
And on and on it goes!

Nope, sorry. Regardless of any outcome of any of these ridiculous rhetorical false dichotomies, you still cannot demonstrate that Oswald ever used Hidell as an alias for himself. And even if you could, it still would tell you nothing about who killed Kennedy or Tippit.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2023, 08:11:59 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2023, 08:14:26 PM »
The rifle that killed the President, that Oswald purchased, was photographed with and the same rifle Oswald bought was found on the 6th floor of Oswald's workplace was discovered with his fingerprints and matching shirt fibers is the most important evidence in this case.

Claims about the evidence are not evidence.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2023, 08:19:18 PM »
I know you're passionate but why do you misrepresent what I say? Read my reply on this subject to Iacoletti, where I present an expert who found not 1 but three different matching fibers from the rifle and Oswald's shirt and I have never said that anyone can make a "positive match", it's the prohibitive probability that it's highly unlikely that someone else would randomly come into contact with Oswald's rifle.

That's Bugliosi rhetoric.  He doesn't know what the probability is.

P.S. "Oswald's rifle".  LOL.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2023, 08:19:18 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2023, 08:21:11 PM »
Stop with the bullying!

You edited my post when you replied to me, here's my answer in full

A stack of that evidence occurred way back in March, it's highly unlikely Oswald was being set up for the Kennedy assassination so far in advance, isn't it far more likely it was simply Oswald himself? Because without a shred of evidence to the contrary there's no reason to consider a fantasy scenario? Facts convince Juries and me and presumably you!

"far more likely it was simply Oswald himself" is also a fantasy scenario.

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2023, 01:54:56 AM »
Didn't you already post this rot in a different thread?

Why yes, yes I did.

After all you were the one who inspired me to write this piece in the first place.

And even after I posted a stack of examples which all required mass fakery, letter perfect forgery, planting evidence in non connected locations and a multitude of lies, you still nonsensically ask "you still cannot demonstrate that Oswald ever used Hidell as an alias for himself", geez John, you're absolutely wedded to the concept of conspiracy yet like Martin you claim you aren't one.
But if it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's probably just an unbiased fence sitter! ;)

« Last Edit: June 23, 2023, 02:45:58 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2023, 03:38:28 AM »
Researcher Greg Parker has an interesting theory and that is that Oswald had no knowledge of the upcoming murder. In other words he was completely innocent and the reason why he was murdered was not to shut him up about what he knew about the plot, but just to shut him up. I've thought about this and I agree with this now.

I also believe he WAS being manipulated but unknowingly about the murder itself. I believe he was a [very] low-level agent doing "intelligence" about Communists. Thus, the handing out of the leaflets in NO, getting on TV later about it and looking proudly as he explains who he is, and so on. Doing this allowed him to be photographed where his head could later be put onto the BYP. His alias was also a ruse. Doing this showed him to be a rabid Marxist and so on.

This all started, too, the moment he did the fake defection, then returned. There are others out there who we've never heard from again who also did this kind of thing. Robert Webster was another of them.

He asks a co-worker what the commotion was. When he was told the President is coming, he says "oh." He later says in front of TV cameras that the only reason why he was arrested was because he lived in Russia, then went on to say he was a patsy.

He stated the BYP were fake, with his head pasted. He said he'd be able to show how that could be done [because after all, he worked at a photo place].

He supposedly kills the president but has no grand getaway plan. He supposedly sticks around the building, is dismissed from work, walks over to catch a cab home, gives it up for a lady, takes the bus home, changes his clothes, then takes this long roundabout walk where he supposedly is confronted by Tippit, where he guns him down. Then he goes to the theater. The "6 foot 160 lb" description goes out within 15 minutes of the murder. How do they know this so soon? And it's not even accurate, far from it.

Researcher Greg Parker has an interesting theory and that is that Oswald had no knowledge of the upcoming murder.

I think that's kinda right, Oswald had no knowledge of the upcoming murder right up until the 19th when the parade route was put on the front page of the Dallas Times Herald, and only then did Oswald start thinking about his plan and even up until the night before, I believe there was still a chance that he could pull out, but after being rejected by Marina and, well, the rest is history.

"Mr. RANKIN. And how did he show that he was upset?
Mrs. OSWALD. He was upset over the fact that I would not answer him. He tried to start a conversation with me several times, but I would not answer. And he said that he didn't want me to be angry at him because this upsets him.
On that day, he suggested that we rent an apartment in Dallas. He said that
he was tired of living alone and perhaps the reason for my being so angry was the fact that we were not living together. That if I want to he would rent an apartment in Dallas tomorrow--that he didn't want me to remain with Ruth any longer, but wanted me to live with him in Dallas.
He repeated this not once but several times, but I refused. And he said that once again I was preferring my friends to him, and that I didn't need him."

Thus, the handing out of the leaflets in NO, getting on TV later about it and looking proudly as he explains who he is, and so on.

Imo he was proud because his dream was potentially(to him) becoming a reality, he was starting to be someone, perhaps one day a great famous leader!

Doing this allowed him to be photographed where his head could later be put onto the BYP.

I have attempted many composites and it's not easy finding suitable matching body parts with the right lighting, right film stock, right film grain, etc etc, or just look at the awful examples where famous faces are composited, or look at the obviously fake Ruby and Nixon photo.

This all started, too, the moment he did the fake defection, then returned.

I reckon Oswald sincerely believed that being a communist was a better way of life, read the "Oswald historic diaries" which shows over time his increasing disillusionment.

A brief excerpt.

He stated the BYP were fake, with his head pasted. He said he'd be able to show how that could be done [because after all, he worked at a photo place].

As I stated above, it ain't easy creating a composite photo and besides a backyard photo negative exists and a tell tale indication of fakery is grain irregularity and the film grain is consistent across the entire image.

The "6 foot 160 lb" description goes out within 15 minutes of the murder.


« Last Edit: June 23, 2023, 11:49:58 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2023, 03:38:28 AM »