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Author Topic: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?  (Read 10860 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2023, 11:29:14 PM »
Well John, 12 anybodies(Dallas Citizens) had a chance to review the evidence in the closest thing to a real trial that Oswald ever had, with actual real eyewitnesses, forensic experts, medical experts, a real Texas Judge and etc. Oswald was defended by one of the finest trial attorney's in America's history Gerry Spence, who gave an excellent defence but the evidence against Oswald was just too overwhelming and those 12 civilians convicted Oswald! Sorry about that Bro, but you Lose. Next!

Part 1

25 links to videos of the Oswald TV Docu-Trial Trial.

And many thanks to David Von Pein who posted these excellent videos.


Sorry about that Bro, but you Lose.

So, you can't prove your own claims and thus simply rely on a mock-trial which may have looked like the real thing but in so many ways wasn't and doesn't prove your claims at all. Got it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2023, 11:29:14 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2023, 11:41:08 PM »
Sorry about that Bro, but you Lose.

So, you can't prove your own claims and thus simply rely on a mock-trial which may have looked like the real thing but in so many ways wasn't and doesn't prove your claims at all. Got it.

Listen closely Martin, the most important evidence that I present here was presented to a Jury of our peers and they convicted Oswald, and the "claim" that it wasn't Oswald was soundly rejected.


Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2023, 11:41:49 PM »
Well John, 12 anybody's(Dallas Citizens) had a chance to review the evidence in the closest thing to a real trial that Oswald ever had,

LOL, TV show ego trial for Bugliosi.

And speaking of moving the goalposts. I don’t recall Vince’s show trial discussing the Hidell alias at all, or what it is supposed to prove.

But again, nice try.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2023, 11:41:49 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2023, 11:41:56 PM »
Here is some of what Hosty wrote in his book “Assignment Oswald,” page 107-110, about how the evidence was transferred to the FBI:

Tuesday, November 26, 1963 TIME: 8:30 A.M. By the time DeBrueys and I arrived back at the police station to resume our work the next day, Henry Wade, the Dallas district attorney, had convinced the police that they should release all the evidence to the FBI. Because the transport of all the evidence was going to take a lot of work, Ken Howe came over to Lieutenant Potts’s office to help us. The police mandated several conditions for the release of all the evidence. They wanted two of their property men to accompany us to our FBI office to assure the chain of custody. They also wanted us to catalog and photograph everything, then provide them copies. That’s mighty big of them, I thought, seeing they’d had the past four days to do that themselves. With practically no help from the police, DeBrueys, Howe, and I boxed up everything and began lugging the boxes downstairs to the police garage and my car. About 90 minutes later, we packed the last box into the backseat. With the trunk and backseat crammed full of evidence, Howe and DeBrueys climbed into the front seat, and I climbed in behind the wheel. The two property officers got into their car, and with them following, I drove out of the garage. I guess word traveled fast that the FBI was taking away the evidence from the assassination, because as my car reached the top of the garage exit ramp we were met by a dozen television cameramen and photographers. With bulbs flashing rapid-fire and television reporters solemnly announcing that the FBI was driving off with the evidence, I maneuvered our way out of there. TIME: 11:00 A.M. After unloading the evidence, we took the boxes up to the seventh floor, where we found a couple of long tables and set up shop. DeBrueys grabbed a Minox camera and propped it up on a kind of tripod so that it was about 12 inches above the table, its lens pointed straight down. While the two property officers looked on, I started feeding, one at a time, each of the items that had been seized. DeBrueys focused and snapped each item as they were fed through. When each item was photographed, we had to catalog and mark it. To say this process was time-consuming would be an understatement. It was particularly tiresome because of the sheer volume of personal papers belonging to Lee and Marina Oswald. With short breaks for lunch and dinner, DeBrueys and I worked long into the night. TIME: 12:45 A.M. DeBrueys and I were just about finished when Vince Drain, one of our liaisons to the Dallas police, came into the room. The two police property officers stirred just a little in their chairs, cocking their heads to listen. “Hey, the police still have some more evidence they forgot to give you,” Drain said. “Captain Fritz has in his desk Oswald’s wallet, one shell casing from the rifle on the sixth floor of the depository, and Oswald’s notebook. Fritz said to run over to his office and he’ll give this stuff to us. Hosty, Malley and Shanklin want you to go over there yourself and get it.” “Sure. I’ll head over there right now,” I said. DeBrueys continued to work, feeding the items in one at a time, photographing them, cataloging them. I put on my suit jacket and left. I had heard that Fritz was single and that he had an apartment just across the street from the police station. When I got down to the station about 1:00 A.M., Fritz was already there. He greeted me cordially, not the least upset that he had been roused from bed to hand over evidence. He walked me up to his office. It was quite a contrast to see his office and hallway at this hour: it was so empty and quiet compared to Friday afternoon’s chaotic scene. He unlocked his door, hit the light switch, and went over to his desk. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out the address book, wallet, and shell. I got out a piece of paper and wrote up a receipt of evidence: Received from Capt. Will Fritz at approximately 1:00 A.M. on 11/27/63: Billfold and 16 cards and pictures taken from Lee Harvey Oswald on 11/22/63. One notebook recovered from room of Lee Harvey Oswald at 1026 No. Beckley on 11/22/63 with names and addresses. One 6.5-mm rifle hull recovered at Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas, on 11/22/63. James P. Hosty, Jr., Special Agent, FBI I signed the receipt and gave it to Fritz. Then I picked up the evidence and thanked the captain.

I underlined the part about how many cards and photographs were taken from LHO on 11/22/63. For me, this appears to be further evidence that the (less than 16) cards included with the wallet in the photograph (posted elsewhere recently) taken in 2013 of the assassination evidence exhibit do not represent a complete inventory of the items.

Also, it appears to me that the letter from LHO to the FPCC that Hosty writes that DeBrueys found should have been photographed and catalogued during the transfer process.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2023, 11:45:14 PM »
Listen closely Martin, the most important evidence that I present here was presented to a Jury of our peers and they convicted Oswald, and the "claim" that it wasn't Oswald was soundly rejected.

I see you’re still confused about how burden of proof works. Nobody has to prove that “it wasn’t Oswald”.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2023, 11:45:14 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2023, 11:48:39 PM »
LOL, TV show ego trial for Bugliosi.

And speaking of moving the goalposts. I don’t recall Vince’s show trial discussing the Hidell alias at all, or what it is supposed to prove.

But again, nice try.


Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2023, 11:55:16 PM »
The two police property officers stirred just a little in their chairs, cocking their heads to listen. “Hey, the police still have some more evidence they forgot to give you,” Drain said. “Captain Fritz has in his desk Oswald’s wallet, one shell casing from the rifle on the sixth floor of the depository, and Oswald’s notebook.

Pity they didn’t include or mention the partial palmprint lift that Day supposedly had that night.

I got out a piece of paper and wrote up a receipt of evidence: Received from Capt. Will Fritz at approximately 1:00 A.M. on 11/27/63: Billfold and 16 cards and pictures taken from Lee Harvey Oswald on 11/22/63.

Is this receipt in the extant evidence? I ask since Hosty apparently got the details of the FPCC letters wrong.

But he doesn’t actually say that the “16 cards and pictures” were all inside the billfold — at that time or ever. Not that he would have any firsthand knowledge either way.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2023, 12:43:56 AM by John Iacoletti »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2023, 11:55:54 PM »
I see you’re still confused about how burden of proof works. Nobody has to prove that “it wasn’t Oswald”.

Talk about delusions of Grandeur, you seem to get off in your fantasy about being Oswald's defence lawyer, but this isn't court, it's just a discussion Forum.
At times we can use the evidence court standards but let me repeat, this isn't court, it's just a discussion Forum! LOLOLOLOL!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the amount of effort to link Oswald to Hidell believable?
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2023, 11:55:54 PM »