No, there's a clear distinction between fact and opinion.
Again No, your alternate theory is that most if not all of the evidence in the OP is BS and thus a conspiracy, therefore you are a Conspiracy Theorist. Live with it! 
An exaggeration fallacy.
Yet you respond to a lot of my posts attempting to do just that.
Ad hominem fallacy.
No, there's a clear distinction between fact and opinion.Yes, there is. And that means that your opinions are not facts
Again No, your alternate theory is that most if not all of the evidence in the OP is BS and thus a conspiracy, therefore you are a Conspiracy Theorist.If you say so.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Your opinions are not the default that needs to be proven wrong. I can disagree with them without having a conspiracy theory. But thank you for exposing your ignorance so clearly.
An exaggeration fallacy.Not really. All you do is trying to provoke discussions about anything but the case.
Yet you respond to a lot of my posts attempting to do just that. Ah, there is the delusion of grandeur again....
Ad hominem fallacy.Are fallacies your new hobby? You are throwing them around left, right and center.... very often applied completely wrong, but that's something you may still need to learn.
I've wasted enough time on this BS for now. You can have the last word, as per usual, and make some idiotic remarks to stroke that fragile ego of yours. (btw this is not a fallacy!)