“the Panel's forensic photographic specialist considered this mark to be a random patterning sufficient to warrant a positive identification”
Note that it doesn’t say “the Panel considered…”. And Kirk merely said “tilts the scales”
That doesn't support Martin's claim or answer my question.
Btw have you found any photo expert who refutes The HSCA'a photo exhibit 206? Waiting ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz......
And Kirk merely said “tilts the scales”
I am going to ask Mr. McCamy in just a minute about any analysis he performed on this chip. Did you make measurement analysis and so forth?
Mr. McCAMY. Yes.
Mr. FITHIAN. All right. I will come back to you in just a minute. Do you know, Sergeant, whether or not the FBI at the time of the Warren Commission went through a process that would be the equivalent of yours, plus Mr. McCamy's, or can you shed any light on that?
Sergeant KIRK. The only testimony that I found in the Warren Commission report was relying on the testimony from one agent, Agent Shaneyfelt. There is no indication I could find where it was subjected to the analysis that this committee has on this weapon.
Mr. McCamy, can you give us any measurement or photogrammetric process or anything that you did to further nail down this I think vital question.Mr. McCAMY.
Yes. We made measurements, measurements on the rifle, and on the photographs to ascertain that indeed this particular chip was in the right place.Beyond that, however, I went to the Archives and made 21 photographs of the rifle using a variety of different kinds of illumination. On those photographs, it was possible to see a large number of nicks, scratches and so on, distinguishing marks.
I then went back through all of the photographs I had mentioned to you. In many instances--I believe in 56 different instances--I was able to find markings that appear on this rifle that were on the photographs that were made back there on the day of the assassination.
So, we are very confident that this is indeed the rifle that was carried from the book depository--oh, incidentally, I can carry it farther than that.
I found distinguishing marks of this rifle on a motion picture that was made at the time the police officer picked the rifle up off of the floor of the book depository.
So that I think is very convincing evidence that it is the rifle."