"Richard" doesn't actually read or consider what is written in any responses. He's a one-way propaganda machine.
"Business record". LOL. Where are the corresponding United States Postal Service "business records"? If an issue came up, How would Klein's ever prove that somebody actually took this package to the post office?
Well, let's see just how bad "Richard"'s ignorance really is.
Let's say, somebody steals "Richard"'s identity and uses it to order, out of pure malice, an item, via the internet, at a mail order company.
The mail order company then sends the item to the address on the order form and sends the bill, by e-mail, to "Richard".
He receives the bill and contacts the mail order company saying that he never ordered or received anything, to which the mail order company replies; "well, according to our business records" you have ordered and received the item. Would you like to see the internal document?"
Going by "Richard"'s so-called "logic" he would have no choice but to pay the bill, right? After all, the mail order's business records is conclusive proof of shipment, right?