No, your example doesn’t help because IMO you are making the same error. The mere fact that the radar gun is of unknown calibration makes the cop’s claim of speeding unreliable. If you could demonstrate the device was incorrect, then it wouldn’t be unreliable — it would just be wrong. Unreliable means you can’t rely on what it says to be correct. It could still be correct, but you don’t know.
For the radar gun to be declared unreliable, it would need to be shown that it cannot be relied upon to function accurately. The fact that the cop had no documentation with him indicating when it was last calibrated is not relevant to the radar gun’s actual performance reliabilities. The judge just chose expediency over truth-finding. It is that simple.
You are confusing “unknown reliability” with “unreliability.” You are jumping to a conclusion as to it’s reliability and stating that it cannot be relied upon to be accurate. When all you know is that there was no documentation brought to court by the cop that says when the radar gun was last calibrated.
So, lets apply this to what
we have concerning CE2011. Documentation indicates that it does appear to have been generated in the Dallas, TX FBI office. It does appear that it came to the Warren Commission through the proper channels and therefore accepted by the WC as evidence. Therefore it does appear that only the typist is anonymous (not the entire document). Additionally, there is documentation indicating that CE399 was sent from Washington to Dallas in early June, 1964. We also find documentation indicating that Odum interviewed the two Parkland Hospital employees in question on June 12, 1964. However, we don’t find any documentation indicating that CE399 was sent to Dallas in late November 1963. Nor do we find any documentation indicating that Shanklin interviewed either one of the Parkland Hospital employees in question in late November 1963 (or ever).
Human memories are often fallible. This is why we document things. It is why I normally take a list with me to the grocery store. It is why we often-times develop routines regarding things we need to do; the routines help us to remember. And why, when those routines are interrupted, we sometimes forget to do the things we needed do.
Now, you are claiming that CE2011 is “unreliable” based upon the two Parkland Hospital employees’ ~2.5-year old and almost 39-year old “apparent memories”. Their “apparent memories” are indicated to us through hearsay by (at least two) interviewers who are demonstrably biased towards the conspiracy side.
I submit that the questionable reliability monicker properly belongs with the “apparent memories” that your claim is based upon. Therefore your claim is not in any way shown to be true. Only that you have questioned the reliability of CE2011; and that the basis for your question is based upon some very questionable hearsay.