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Author Topic: The Walker Case  (Read 31039 times)

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #376 on: July 19, 2023, 02:33:25 AM »
Walt’s asks the correct question why Oswald did not aim accurately at Walker?

Following that question, why did Oswald not wait for a better shot of Walker , perhaps while Walker was outside the house?

IF it’s true that there was a conversation Oswald had with Marina in which Oswald justified a hypothetical shooting  of Walker comparable to shooting Hitler to prevent WW2, THEN if follows that if Oswald was the shooter ,he  would most probably have aimed accurately, and would have made SURE that Walker was hit and killed.

Either A. Oswald was the shooter or B. Some one else was the shooter.

If A. Either Oswald lost his nerve, or patience, or he was interrupted by some passing car or something , which caused him to shoot only ONE  shot inaccurately thru a window, instead of waiting for an easy kill shot of Walker outside the house.
If B. This other persons motive could be just a prank or it could be a serious attempt to kill Walker which also failed because of poor aim.

If B. There is a possibility also of intention just to have a bullet found in Walkers residence fired from a mail ordered MC rifle that would be used to later frame Oswald.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #376 on: July 19, 2023, 02:33:25 AM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #377 on: July 20, 2023, 07:31:34 PM »
Walt’s asks the correct question why Oswald did not aim accurately at Walker?

Following that question, why did Oswald not wait for a better shot of Walker , perhaps while Walker was outside the house?

IF it’s true that there was a conversation Oswald had with Marina in which Oswald justified a hypothetical shooting  of Walker comparable to shooting Hitler to prevent WW2, THEN if follows that if Oswald was the shooter ,he  would most probably have aimed accurately, and would have made SURE that Walker was hit and killed.

Either A. Oswald was the shooter or B. Some one else was the shooter.

If A. Either Oswald lost his nerve, or patience, or he was interrupted by some passing car or something , which caused him to shoot only ONE  shot inaccurately thru a window, instead of waiting for an easy kill shot of Walker outside the house.
If B. This other persons motive could be just a prank or it could be a serious attempt to kill Walker which also failed because of poor aim.

If B. There is a possibility also of intention just to have a bullet found in Walkers residence fired from a mail ordered MC rifle that would be used to later frame Oswald.

In a March 5 speech, Walker called on the American military to "liquidate the [communist] scourge that has descended upon the island of Cuba."

While initially skeptical about the photographic evidence provided by the FBI, the Warren Commission reported that Oswald photographed Walker's Dallas home on the weekend of March 9–10, 1963.

Seven days later [after the March 5 Walker speech, March 12, 1963], Lee Harvey Oswald ordered a Carcano rifle by mail using the alias A. Hidell.

On April 10, 1963, as Walker was sitting at a desk in his dining room, a bullet struck the wooden frame of his dining-room window. Walker was injured in the forearm by fragments. Marina Oswald later testified that her husband had told her that he traveled by bus to General Walker's house and shot at Walker with his rifle.[26][27] Marina said that Oswald considered Walker to be the leader of a "fascist organization."[28]

Police detective D. E. McElroy commented, "Whoever shot at the general was playing for keeps. The sniper wasn't trying to scare him. He was shooting to kill." The bullet was too badly damaged to provide conclusive ballistics tests, but neutron activation analysis tests later determined that it was "extremely likely" that the bullet was manufactured by the Western Cartridge Company and was the same type of ammunition as was used in the Kennedy assassination.[29]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 07:32:24 PM by Charles Collins »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #378 on: July 20, 2023, 09:52:31 PM »
Priscilla McMillan, in her book “Marina and Lee” page 481, has an interesting footnote (#17) regarding some of LHO’s writings that he reportedly wrote shortly before the Walker assassination attempt:

17. Exhibit No. 97, Vol. 16, pp. 422–430. This is probably the most significant document Oswald ever wrote, revealing both his emotions and his political ideas. It is striking for its apocalyptic, megalomaniacal tone, and the reader almost has to conclude that the author was possessor of the “narcissistic” personality described in Ernest Jones’s famous essay “The God Complex” (Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis by Ernest Jones [London], pp. 204–226). Politically, the author denounces both the US and Soviet systems and the US Communist Party; but his primary concern appears to be destruction of the capitalist system in the United States and its future replacement. Although written before the Walker attempt, the document looks forward to Oswald’s own future. It gives a better idea than anything else he wrote of what appears to have been his conscious purpose in killing President Kennedy, and of the resigned, stoical, and yet exalted spirit in which he went about it.

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #378 on: July 20, 2023, 09:52:31 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #379 on: July 20, 2023, 10:09:10 PM »
Priscilla McMillan, in her book “Marina and Lee” page 481, has an interesting footnote (#17) regarding some of LHO’s writings that he reportedly wrote shortly before the Walker assassination attempt:

17. Exhibit No. 97, Vol. 16, pp. 422–430. This is probably the most significant document Oswald ever wrote, revealing both his emotions and his political ideas. It is striking for its apocalyptic, megalomaniacal tone, and the reader almost has to conclude that the author was possessor of the “narcissistic” personality described in Ernest Jones’s famous essay “The God Complex” (Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis by Ernest Jones [London], pp. 204–226). Politically, the author denounces both the US and Soviet systems and the US Communist Party; but his primary concern appears to be destruction of the capitalist system in the United States and its future replacement. Although written before the Walker attempt, the document looks forward to Oswald’s own future. It gives a better idea than anything else he wrote of what appears to have been his conscious purpose in killing President Kennedy, and of the resigned, stoical, and yet exalted spirit in which he went about it.

 Exhibit No. 97, Vol. 16, pp. 422–430. This is probably the most significant document Oswald ever wrote, revealing both his emotions and his political ideas. It is striking for its apocalyptic, megalomaniacal tone, and the reader almost has to conclude that the author was possessor of the “narcissistic” personality described in Ernest Jones’s famous essay “The God Complex” (Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis by Ernest Jones [London], pp. 204–226). Politically, the author denounces both the US and Soviet systems and the US Communist Party; but his primary concern appears to be destruction of the capitalist system in the United States and its future replacement. Although written before the Walker attempt, the document looks forward to Oswald’s own future. It gives a better idea than anything else he wrote of what appears to have been his conscious purpose in killing President Kennedy, and of the resigned, stoical, and yet exalted spirit in which he went about it.

What a pile of BS!!

Online Charles Collins

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #380 on: July 21, 2023, 01:06:25 AM »
Exhibit No. 97, Vol. 16, pp. 422–430. This is probably the most significant document Oswald ever wrote, revealing both his emotions and his political ideas. It is striking for its apocalyptic, megalomaniacal tone, and the reader almost has to conclude that the author was possessor of the “narcissistic” personality described in Ernest Jones’s famous essay “The God Complex” (Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis by Ernest Jones [London], pp. 204–226). Politically, the author denounces both the US and Soviet systems and the US Communist Party; but his primary concern appears to be destruction of the capitalist system in the United States and its future replacement. Although written before the Walker attempt, the document looks forward to Oswald’s own future. It gives a better idea than anything else he wrote of what appears to have been his conscious purpose in killing President Kennedy, and of the resigned, stoical, and yet exalted spirit in which he went about it.

What a pile of BS!!

Here’s a link to the book that Priscilla cites “Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis” by Ernest Jones:

Chapter 5 is the one on the God Complex…

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #380 on: July 21, 2023, 01:06:25 AM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #381 on: July 21, 2023, 04:52:18 AM »
Well, if the premise is that Oswald had a “God complex” then all the MORE reason it seems to me that Oswald would have shot multiple times or taken a shot that would SURELY have hit and killed Walker, a man whom Oswald (allegedly) considered as dangerous a man  as Hitler.

And can one conclude that a shot that was aimed presumably with an MC rifle (that the WC considered to be accurate), was a shot meant to kill Walker, when that round hit the FRAME of the window?

Online Charles Collins

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #382 on: July 21, 2023, 01:55:59 PM »
Well, if the premise is that Oswald had a “God complex” then all the MORE reason it seems to me that Oswald would have shot multiple times or taken a shot that would SURELY have hit and killed Walker, a man whom Oswald (allegedly) considered as dangerous a man  as Hitler.

And can one conclude that a shot that was aimed presumably with an MC rifle (that the WC considered to be accurate), was a shot meant to kill Walker, when that round hit the FRAME of the window?

There are quite a few legitimate reasons that could explain why the shot missed. We will never know exactly why, but it didn’t miss by much. And some fragments actually did wound Walker in an arm. The “frame” that the bullet deflected off of is the horizontal piece of wood that is approximately centered between the top and the bottom of the entire window. This is typical of double hung windows and, looking at the ones in our house right now, they are at about eye level when I am seated. So, it appears to me that the shot was aimed to hit the head of Walker.
Here is one scenario that I think is a possible explanation as to why the bullet hit the window frame. Robert Oswald said in his book that he thought that LHO had previously had no experience with rifle scopes. However LHO did apparently (shortly after taking the photos of Walker’s house) order the rifle with a scope. And therefore we can deduce that he probably intended to use that scope for the shot that he was planning. An inexpensive scope like the one on the rifle is relatively small, has inexpensive lenses, and does not let in enough light in relatively dark environments (like dawn or dusk for hunters) for the user to see the target very well. LHO probably didn’t realize the low-light issues until he was actually aiming to take the shot. The incandescent lighting typical of homes (especially in that era) is relatively dim compared to daylight conditions. It would be interesting to duplicate the lighting conditions and look through that scope to see how well the target could be seen. And especially whether or not the wooden frame (cross member) could be easily seen through that scope. I think that, under the low-light conditions, that wooden frame member might have tended to blend in with everything else and not been very obvious to the shooter as he looked through the scope.
LHO reportedly intentionally chose that particular night due to the nearby church activity. I think that he purposely used that church activity as a diversion to help him get away from the scene in case there were any potential witnesses. I believe that he probably thought that he only needed one shot. And if he had taken another shot, he knew that he would probably be leaving an empty shell behind as evidence. So, the one-shot plan appears to me to be intentional.

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #383 on: July 21, 2023, 11:54:19 PM »
The only way I can see Oswald shooting at Walker is if he had an accomplice who drove him to and from Walker's home.

None of the theories about how he rode the bus to and from Walker's home with a rifle make any sense. The lack of physical evidence connecting Oswald to the Walker shooting also makes no sense.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Walker Case
« Reply #383 on: July 21, 2023, 11:54:19 PM »