Wow, you’re making an excellent case for reasonable doubt. Well done!
I didn’t say “Hoover’s FBI”, I said “Hoover”. But nice try.
Wow, you’re making an excellent case for reasonable doubt. Well done!
See John, that's the difference between a LNer and a CT or the members who repeatedly say "show me where I said I was a CT", we accept the vast majority of Expert evidence as stated and make reasonable inferences from said evidence whereas a CT will not accept anything that doesn't fit their World view and claim that "they" lied or faked it or planted it, etc ad nauseum!
And this is the crux of where we diverge on what constitutes reliable evidence. “FBI letter says so” isn’t inherently any more reliable than “Gary Aguilar says so”.
Remember, Hoover had a pre-existing agenda to “convince the public that Oswald was the real assassin”.
I didn’t say “Hoover’s FBI”, I said “Hoover”. But nice try.
Were you talking about the evidence that Hoover himself said or wrote and if so I humbly apologize. Otherwise my connection stands!