Priscilla McMillan, in her book “Marina and Lee” page 481, has an interesting footnote (#17) regarding some of LHO’s writings that he reportedly wrote shortly before the Walker assassination attempt:
17. Exhibit No. 97, Vol. 16, pp. 422–430. This is probably the most significant document Oswald ever wrote, revealing both his emotions and his political ideas. It is striking for its apocalyptic, megalomaniacal tone, and the reader almost has to conclude that the author was possessor of the “narcissistic” personality described in Ernest Jones’s famous essay “The God Complex” (Essays in Applied Psychoanalysis by Ernest Jones [London], pp. 204–226). Politically, the author denounces both the US and Soviet systems and the US Communist Party; but his primary concern appears to be destruction of the capitalist system in the United States and its future replacement. Although written before the Walker attempt, the document looks forward to Oswald’s own future. It gives a better idea than anything else he wrote of what appears to have been his conscious purpose in killing President Kennedy, and of the resigned, stoical, and yet exalted spirit in which he went about it.