Yes it is. And it is nothing like your smear tactic characterizations of it. I did nothing “deceitful”. I “misrepresented” nothing. I made no “strawman argument”. I did nothing “underhanded”.
Instead of just making a counterargument in a civil manner, you have to go straight to the angry rhetoric, which is a sure sign that your argument isn’t very solid.
I didn’t claim to know it for a fact. You’re the one here making a s*load of assumptions and declaring it to be “firmly established”.
Where did you get this idea? Another assumption? I’ve found and seen yearbook photos of all three. And whether you like it or not, faces are easier to identify than the backs of people’s bodies.
I’m not “whining”. I’m disputing that your assumptions are necessarily valid.
“Happy” is an odd way to characterize it. Something is either a fact or it isn’t. Happiness has nothing to do with it.
Well that was a lovely rant. And dishonest. Your whole approach was to look at the sea of the backs of bodies and look for three people standing side-by-side with your “general characteristics” from a black and white photo. Of course you’re assuming that the three are standing side-by-side in Zapruder. As you are trying to do with the Westbrook four.
No. Speaking of strawmen…
The handwaving is that “dark coat” and “bushy hair” is enough to uniquely identify somebody and call it “firmly established”.
And yet we’re supposed to go with “Dan thinks her coat is similarly dark”.
No, she pointed herself out. And mentioned that she wishes she still had the scarf. She would know what her scarf looked like.
This is just the usual “my guess is automatically correct unless you prove me wrong” argument.
An assumption that there is no evidentiary basis for. Like that the three were standing side-by-side at the time of the motorcade.
Says you. But then you have a very high opinion of your own assumptions.
I made no “strawman argument”.You forget, this forum is a written record.
You posted a classic Strawman in your last post.
Now you have the nerve to tell this barefaced lie.
You really are unbelievable.
An assumption that there is no evidentiary basis for. Like that the three were standing side-by-side at the time of the motorcade.
There is no evidentiary basis supporting the assumption that Simmons, Holt and Jacob were stood side-by-side at the time of the motorcade??
Simmons states that she was standing on the sidewalk and that she was with Holt and Jacob at the time of the assassination.
This is evidence supporting the assumption they were stood together at the time of the assassination.
Not even you can deny this.
And let's throw a little common sense into the mix.
The crowds were thinning out on Elm Street. It's not like they were three or four deep. The Bronson pic below shows the gaps present between the small groups of people on the North side of Elm Street:

The three women leave the TSBD together, walk down Elm Street and take up a position where there are hardly any people. They stand together, side-by-side, chatting away like normal people do.
There is absolutely no reason to assume they were NOT stood side-by-side at the time of the assassination.
And it is hardly coincidence that when they are identified in the Z-film they are, indeed, stood side-by-side.
Once again, your baseless accusations are shown up for the nonsensical tripe they are.
Your whole approach was to look at the sea of the backs of bodies and look for three people standing side-by-side with your “general characteristics” from a black and white photo.This a deceitful lie you just repeat over and over again.
My whole approach involves an analysis of numerous witness statements, numerous films taken in Dealey Plaza around the time of the assassination and then an analysis of the Darnell pic.
Your desperation is shown in the phrase "the sea of the backs of bodies", as if there are thousands of people from which an identification has to be made.
The truth is this -
finding a group of three women in a group of sixteen women.A group of three women in a group of sixteen women? How mountainous of a task can that be?
Below is the picture of the sixteen women on Elm Street:

We are looking for these three women in this group of sixteen:

You can do it John.
Where are this group of three women in the group of sixteen?
Just have a guess