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Author Topic: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?  (Read 5625 times)

Online John Mytton

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Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« on: July 13, 2023, 04:38:48 AM »
I'll start off by quoting a recent post. And then add some interesting facts and claims about the life of Oswald.

"The conspiracy theorists or those who absurdly claim "show me where I said I was a conspiracy theorist" go all out to defend a person who defected to the enemy at the height of the Cold War and when rejected, hacked into his own wrist which caused massive blood loss and required stitches to repair, the same guy who in a letter to his brother Robert said he was willing to kill any American who puts on a uniform defending the American Government, any American! and this would also refer to his Marine brother Robert. The same guy who while in the marines shot himself in the elbow. He also hit his wife!

They want more evidence for this Walker assassination attempt but these same people claim Oswald is innocent of killing Tippit even though Oswald was positively identified either at the scene or moving away while fiddling with his gun?? There will never be enough evidence for the Hardcore conspiracy theorist.

Poor poor Oswald was surrounded by evidence linking him to three of the most infamous events in Dallas in 1963, like being in the building where Kennedy was shot, his fresh prints in the snipers nest, Oswald's rifle with Oswald's prints on the same floor, flight from the scene of the crime. Being positively identified at the Tippit crime scene, leaving exclusively matching shells to his revolver at the Tippit crime scene, being arrested with the same revolver and trying to kill more Police with the same revolver. Then just after Oswald purchased and received Oswald's rifle and was photographed with Oswald's rifle and just after Oswald wrote a note telling Marina what to do after Oswald committed a crime which could have Oswald himself killed and just after Oswald's camera took surveillance photos of Walkers house and possessing a map with Walkers house marked with a cross, then to top it off Oswald admitted to attempting to kill General Walker!!!

There couldn't possibly be any more incriminating evidence for each of these three vile disgusting acts but the afore mentioned conspiracy theorist's with a shrug of their shoulders say it couldn't possibly be Oswald because you know, reasons!"

A brief history of Lee Harvey Oswald. A link below has a more extensive timeline and is by W. Tracy Parnell

Oswald was born at the start of WW2.
Oswald's father died 2 months before he was born.
Oswald's mother was imo a bit loony.
Oswald moves a lot.
Oswald was sent to a children's home along with his brother but is rejected because of his age, then later is accepted.
Oswald's Mom remarries for the the 3rd time, and after Ekdahl her latest husband allegedly has an affair they divorce.
Marguerite Oswald iirc washes and bathes her son and stops after Oswald becomes big "down there"
The Oswald's are kicked out of Oswald's half brother's house, after Jon Pic is told by his wife that Oswald threatened her.
Jon Pic is told by his wife that she saw Oswald hit his Mom.
Oswald is a truant from school and is mentally evaluated.
A young Oswald is presumed to receive Marxist literature which starts a lifelong interest.
Oswald joins the Marines and due to his beliefs, his nickname is Oswaldskovich and starts learning Russian.
Oswald while in the Marines shoots himself with a pistol and is court marshalled.
Oswald strikes an officer and is court marshalled for a second time and ends up in the Brig.
Oswald lies about his Mom and leaves the Marines.
Oswald defects to Russia and after being denied decides to hack into his wrist
The Russians send Oswald to a mental facility and is finally accepted and works in a television factory in Minsk.
Oswald sends a letter to Robert and says he was willing to kill any American who puts on a uniform defending the American Government, any American! Which within context clearly would mean killing his own brother, Robert who was a Marine.
Oswald who imo thinks he will be famous, writes an Historic Diary.
Oswald marries Marina.
Oswald is disappointed with boring old Russia and decides to crawl and beg to go back home. to the USA.
Oswald upon returning to the States, is very disappointed that there was no Press waiting for him.
Oswald hit his wife.
Oswald invents Fairplay for Cuba and hands out leaflets.
Oswald orders a rifle and pistol/
Oswald takes photos of General Walkers house and a short time later attempt an assassination.
Oswald leaves most of his money and wedding ring behind with Marina, the day before or the same day he leaves to commit Murder.
Oswald kills John F Kennedy.
Oswald kills Officer Tippit
When arrested Oswald tries to kill more Police.
Oswald himself is assassinated by another Nut, Jack Ruby.

An excellent video on the life of Lee Harvey Oswald from PBS Frontline, 1993.

EDIT I added additional clarification to both above passages where Oswald said he was willing to kill "any American".


« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 04:55:02 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« on: July 13, 2023, 04:38:48 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 04:40:35 AM »

I Lee Harvey Oswald, request that I be granted citizenship in the Soviet Union, my visa began on Oct. 15, and will expire on Oct. 21, I must be granted asylum before this date. [Unreadable] I wait for the citizenship decision.

At present I am a citizen of the United States of America.

I want citizenship because; I am a communist and a worker, I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers  are slaves.

I am twenty years old, I have completed three years  in the United States Marine Corps, I served with the occupation forces in Japan, I have seen American military imperialism in all its forms,

I do not want to return to any country outside of the Soviet Union.

I am writing to give up my American citizenship and assume the responsibilities of a Soviet citizen.

I had saved my money which I earned as a private in the American military for two years, in order to come to Russia for the express purpose of seeking citizenship here. I do not have enough money left to live indefintly [sic] here, or to return to any other country. I have no desire to return to any other country. I ask that my request be given quick consideration.


Lee H. Oswald

From a letter to Robert.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 04:44:22 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 06:53:38 AM »
It doesn’t matter how horrible a person you think Oswald was. If you’re going to accuse somebody of murder, you need to prove it. Pointing out the many weaknesses in your case is not “defending Oswald”. This is yet another lame attempt to substitute rhetoric and propaganda for evidence.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 06:53:38 AM »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2023, 07:14:24 AM »
It doesn’t matter how horrible a person you think Oswald was. If you’re going to accuse somebody of murder, you need to prove it. Pointing out the many weaknesses in your case is not “defending Oswald”. This is yet another lame attempt to substitute rhetoric and propaganda for evidence.

Oswald was well on his way to being classified as a serial Killer.

Many serial killers are survivors of early childhood trauma of some kind – physical or sexual abuse, family dysfunction, emotionally distant or absent parents.,they%20suppress%20their%20emotional%20response.

sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control, and predatory behavior.
The interpersonal traits include glibness, superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, and the manipulation of others.
manipulation, intimidation, and occasionally violence to control others
a lack of realistic life goals.,for%20control%2C%20and%20predatory%20behavior.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 07:29:59 AM by John Mytton »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2023, 02:07:03 PM »
Right now LHO is being tortured in hell. Satan keeps taunting him by saying there are a lot of people up there who say you were not capable of the assassination. Someone with LHO’s ego would be enraged by this. And it does my heart good to think about it.

Edit: So bring it on all you naysayers. Tell us why you think LHO was not capable of the assassination. Let’s torture poor little Lee forever…
« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 02:47:32 PM by Charles Collins »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2023, 02:07:03 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2023, 03:54:49 PM »
Right now LHO is being tortured in hell. Satan keeps taunting him

Sounds like yet another faith-based belief about Oswald.

by saying there are a lot of people up there who say you were not capable of the assassination.

What “lot of people”? Who on this forum has ever said that?

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2023, 05:05:18 PM »
Sounds like yet another faith-based belief about Oswald.

What “lot of people”? Who on this forum has ever said that?

The people who claim LHO was a lousy marksman, had a rifle that was not capable of hitting the target, had a scope on that awful rifle that was so far out of calibration it couldn’t be aimed at the target, needed assistance to make that many wounds on the victims in the short time indicated on the Zapruder film, couldn’t shoot a bolt action rifle that fast and hit the target, etc, etc. All the usual lame excuses. Look them up yourself if you need to know who they are.

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2023, 06:09:05 PM »
It doesn’t matter how horrible a person you think Oswald was. If you’re going to accuse somebody of murder, you need to prove it. Pointing out the many weaknesses in your case is not “defending Oswald”. This is yet another lame attempt to substitute rhetoric and propaganda for evidence.


Acknowledging the problems with the evidence or the holes in the case against Oswald isn't a defense of his character as an individual.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2023, 06:09:05 PM »