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Author Topic: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.  (Read 7199 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2023, 07:32:34 PM »
Landis first mentioned finding a "bullet fragment" on the rear seat of the limo to the AP in 1983, 40 years ago:

"Landis said that when he got to the Kennedy limousine outside the hospital, the president had already been taken inside, but he helped Mrs. Kennedy out. He said there was a bullet fragment on the top of the back seat that he picked up and gave to somebody."

.... 2014, after reading Josiah “Tink” Thompson’s 1967 book, Six Seconds in Dallas, and seeing for the first time the “official” explanation that a whole bullet had been found on Connally’s stretcher, he realized that, no, that was actually the bullet he had found in Kennedy’s limousine, and that he shouldn’t remain silent any longer.

The guy who helped him write his memoir says Landis was misquoted the previous times that his account of a "bullet fragment" was mentioned.

I expect that a Secret Service agent should know the difference between a bullet and a bullet fragment. So if he wasn't misquoted, that's a problem.

Dropping a bullet on a stretcher is also not consistent with giving it to somebody.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2023, 07:32:34 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2023, 07:37:37 PM »
I believe Landis is supposed to be on CNN later today.  Jake Trapper?

Online Richard Smith

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2023, 12:41:07 AM »
Yeah. He could be protecting someone else. Who knows? There’s an earlier claim that SS agent Sam Kinney (now deceased) was the person who placed the bullet on a stretcher at Parkland.

Given that the mainstream media is giving him so much attention, I suspect that maybe this whole thing is intended to prepare the public for eventual acknowledgement that there was a conspiracy?

It’s really unusual to see so many mainstream news outlets give so much uncritical air time to a JFK assassination conspiracy story. Not sure what to make of it.

Landis said on CNN that he didn't drop the bullet on the stretcher but some type of table in the exam room.  For what that's worth.  That would make more sense to me than dropping it on the stretcher of the dying president.   He was adamant about hearing only three shots.  He doesn't seem to be insane or completely senile (as in Joe Biden senile).  The fact that he made no mention of the bullet six decades ago, however, is damning.  I don't buy that he wouldn't mention it because he was under stress.  He wrote a report.  Lots of WWII veterans swore they landed on the beach on D-day but it ain't so. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2023, 12:41:07 AM »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2023, 05:20:09 AM »
Joe Biden is way more coherent than “Richard Smith” ever was.

Online David Von Pein

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2023, 07:45:36 AM »
Landis said on CNN that he didn't drop the bullet on the stretcher but some type of table in the exam room.  For what that's worth.  That would make more sense to me than dropping it on the stretcher of the dying president.

But Landis was merely following CNN host Jake Tapper's leading question regarding the "exam table". But Tapper didn't know what he was talking about there, because we know from various Parkland witnesses and doctors that JFK was never moved to any kind of "exam table" in Trauma Room No. 1 at all. Kennedy remained on his stretcher the entire time he was in the emergency room, right up until he was placed in the casket. This is confirmed by Parkland's Dr. Robert McClelland:

Mr. SPECTER - Was he on the stretcher at all times?


Mr. SPECTER - In the trauma room No. 1 you described, is there any table onto which he could be placed from the stretcher?

Dr. McCLELLAND - No; generally we do not move patients from the stretcher until they are ready to go into the operating room and then they are moved onto the operating table.

Mr. SPECTER - Well, in fact, was he left on the stretcher all during the course of these procedures until he was pronounced dead?

Dr. McCLELLAND - That's right.


Here's the CNN video with Landis:


« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 08:10:41 AM by David Von Pein »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2023, 07:45:36 AM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2023, 12:55:40 PM »
But Landis was merely following CNN host Jake Tapper's leading question regarding the "exam table".

I noticed the same thing. I'm not a fan of the way Tapper conducts interviews generally.

There were two Parkland nurses who claimed they saw a bullet on JFK's stretcher. Phyllis Hall said the bullet was closer to JFK's head on the stretcher, which conflicts with Landis' claim that he placed it near Kennedy's feet. She also says she never saw the bullet again. Which is consistent with Tomlinson and OP Wright who cast doubt that CE399 was the bullet they found.

Phyllis Hall -

'On the cart, halfway between the earlobe and the shoulder, there was a bullet laying almost perpendicular there, but I have not seen a picture of that bullet ever,' she told The Telegraph almost 10 years ago.

Separately, she told the Sunday Mirror: 'I could see a bullet lodged between his ear and his shoulder. It was pointed at its tip and showed no signs of damage. I remember looking at it – there was no blunting of the bullet or scarring around the shell from where it had been fired.

'I'd had a great deal of experience working with gunshot wounds but I had never seen anything like this before.

'It was about one-and-a-half inches long – nothing like the bullets that were later produced.

'It was taken away but never have I seen it presented in evidence or heard what happened to it.
It remains a mystery.'

The other nurse who saw a bullet was Sharon Tuohy -

Landis' memory may be a little fuzzy after almost 60 years but I don't think he's lying.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2023, 11:52:40 PM »
He is on Jessie Waters tonight.  I wonder which version he will tell.  I don't think he is lying or insane.  Just an old guy who can't remember what happened.  That doesn't preclude someone from becoming president these days.  So making a few bucks from a book is no big deal.

Online Sean Kneringer

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Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2023, 01:14:14 AM »
His good buddy Clint Hill has been a media gadfly in recent years, pumping out a few books and doing the lecture circuit. I think Landis saw that and wanted to join the gravy train. But because he wasn't as heroic as Clint that day, he had to manufacture something "big" as a hook. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: SS Agent Paul Landis speaks out... finally, about Magic Bullet.
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2023, 01:14:14 AM »