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Author Topic: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?  (Read 5642 times)

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2023, 06:40:20 AM »
A lot of what appears to be actions that indicate “kookiness” could also be actions of someone groomed to be a CIA spy.

Seems odd the USMC boot camp would ever tolerate any soldier openly suggesting himself to be Marxist and speaking Russian.

Which suggests the speculation that Oswald was recruited by the CIA while he was just beginning the USMC training and then everything following that was so that Oswald could be set up as part of the CIA defector program.

Then they use Oswald during his initial CIA training as an asset to monitor Russian radio transmissions from the top secret base in Japan.

Then Oswald does LARP suicide” attempt so he can be  exited from the USMC early and be transferred by CIA to be a defector with mission to find  out the capabilities of USSR in shooting down U-2 spy planes .

Since Marina (according to Norman Mailer) may have met ALL the 8 or more defectors from USA besides just Oswald, and her relative having been a KGB colonel no less, it’s not that implausible that Oswald was a CIA spy.

The Soviets interrogation of Oswald may have been more than questioning and Oswald might have cut the wrists or not, and Marina marrying Oswald could be counter espionage so as to import or aid KGB spy’s inside of the USA.

Jack Ruby said we would never know the real truth because of people in high places. He said that in front of a camera and he shot Oswald while in front of cameras. 2 things he did not have to say or do THAT way.

It does seem be a choice that either Oswald and Ruby are just kooks or that they were agents of FBI/CIA and caught in a  web of conspiracy which resulted in both of them dead.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2023, 06:40:20 AM »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2023, 07:55:31 AM »
The people who claim LHO was a lousy marksman, had a rifle that was not capable of hitting the target, had a scope on that awful rifle that was so far out of calibration it couldn’t be aimed at the target, needed assistance to make that many wounds on the victims in the short time indicated on the Zapruder film, couldn’t shoot a bolt action rifle that fast and hit the target, etc, etc. All the usual lame excuses. Look them up yourself if you need to know who they are.

What do any of those (uncited) examples regarding the Carcano have to do with Oswald’s capabilities?

And does “capability” somehow equal “did it” now?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2023, 07:56:55 AM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2023, 08:02:47 PM »
It doesn’t matter how horrible a person you think Oswald was. If you’re going to accuse somebody of murder, you need to prove it. Pointing out the many weaknesses in your case is not “defending Oswald”. This is yet another lame attempt to substitute rhetoric and propaganda for evidence.

I wonder what John would expect Lee to say in a letter that Lee knew would be  opened and read by the Russians? 

Does he believe that Lee should have written...." Even though I profess to be loyal to he USSR. I would never take up arms against the United States"

Lee was after all trying to gain acceptance by the Russians.......   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2023, 08:02:47 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2023, 09:15:42 PM »
A lot of what appears to be actions that indicate “kookiness” could also be actions of someone groomed to be a CIA spy.

Seems odd the USMC boot camp would ever tolerate any soldier openly suggesting himself to be Marxist and speaking Russian.

Which suggests the speculation that Oswald was recruited by the CIA while he was just beginning the USMC training and then everything following that was so that Oswald could be set up as part of the CIA defector program.

Then they use Oswald during his initial CIA training as an asset to monitor Russian radio transmissions from the top secret base in Japan.

Then Oswald does LARP suicide” attempt so he can be  exited from the USMC early and be transferred by CIA to be a defector with mission to find  out the capabilities of USSR in shooting down U-2 spy planes .

Since Marina (according to Norman Mailer) may have met ALL the 8 or more defectors from USA besides just Oswald, and her relative having been a KGB colonel no less, it’s not that implausible that Oswald was a CIA spy.

The Soviets interrogation of Oswald may have been more than questioning and Oswald might have cut the wrists or not, and Marina marrying Oswald could be counter espionage so as to import or aid KGB spy’s inside of the USA.

Jack Ruby said we would never know the real truth because of people in high places. He said that in front of a camera and he shot Oswald while in front of cameras. 2 things he did not have to say or do THAT way.

It does seem be a choice that either Oswald and Ruby are just kooks or that they were agents of FBI/CIA and caught in a  web of conspiracy which resulted in both of them dead.

A lot of what appears to be actions that indicate “kookiness” could also be actions of someone groomed to be a CIA spy.

Unfortunately you've labeled the organization that groomed Lee Oswald, as the CIA.  And Lee might have been a CIA agent but there were, and are, several other US organizations that he may have been working for.  I don't believe that Lee was a CIA agent when he "defected".....       

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2023, 05:31:13 AM »
Sure, Walt,  the CIA is just the attack dog organization that serves the secret society , now known as “globalist elite”.

So  in the killing of JFK , whom are we speaking of who could have made the decision?

Imo, LBJ is a prime candidate

Reasons which are not really “evidence” but cause some suspicion:

1. LBJ and the “wink” photo, which is a disturbing scene, Jackey Kennedy with blood still on her dress grieving besides LBJ and Ladybird smiling.
2. LBJs mistress account of the secret meeting Nov 21/63, in which LBJ allegedly stated that “after tonight those blankety blank”  Kennedys will never bother me again.
3. The string of other political candidate opponents of LBJ who wound up dead , one of whom was found shot dead with 5 bullets from a bolt action rifle by his side. Malcolm Wallace was convicted of 1st degree murder for that death, but somehow LBJ got the judge to suspend the sentence.
4. The quick reversal of JFK foreign policy per Vietnam , only 3 days after LBJ is president.
5. The Gulf of Tonkin event.
6. RFK seemed suspicious of LBJ per a recorded phone conversation.
7. RFK, Malcom X, and MLK all assassinated during LBJs term, but no attempted assassination of LBJ .
8. LBJs good friend Harold Byrd owner of TSBD at time of JFK assassination, awarded contract to build A-7 corsairs for the Vietnam war.
9. Malcom Wallace 34 point fingerprint match by Nathan Darby from an unidentified fingerprint on a box in the SN 6th floor TSBD.
10.LBJs recorded statement “we’ll have the (N-word)s voting for us for the next 200 years”, which suggests LBJ was making a deal for MIC funding in exchange for supporting Civil rights legislation.
11. LBJs ex personal attorney is convinced LBJ was involved in the JFK assassination.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2023, 05:31:13 AM »