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Author Topic: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game  (Read 3449 times)

Offline Duncan MacRae

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Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« on: July 26, 2023, 08:48:54 AM »
Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game

JFK Assassination Forum

Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« on: July 26, 2023, 08:48:54 AM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2023, 02:34:31 PM »
The Jackdaw Kit is still available for purchase ( Link ).

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 06:07:10 AM »
Another controversial game.

JFK Reloaded.

Download ‘JFK Reloaded’ the simulation

The Story Behind ‘JFK Reloaded’
“In my mind, all it did was show that Oswald went to the Book Depository, he knew how to fire the rifle and he shot JFK,” he said. “It doesn’t matter how he was motivated to get there. I’m not saying there wasn’t some shadowy conspiracy behind that. But it was completely plausible he did it alone — there’s no doubt in my mind.”

JFK Reloaded replicating the Zapruder Film.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 06:21:06 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 06:07:10 AM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2023, 02:26:37 AM »
I experimented with this simulation and I found  The easiest way to hit JFK was to first hit the driver of the limo, which causes the limo to stop. Then it’s a 2nd shot at a stationary JFK which is almost  a certain head shot kill, because the scope of the rifle is accurate (unlike the poor quality scope of the real MC rifle that was found on the TSBD 6th floor , which was also completely out alignment).

IDK if shooting Greer, the limo driver would have worked in the real situation, but the program of  this simulation seems to presume the limo would stop with the driver hit, even if he is just wounded.

Greer getting wounded on the other hand might of reacted by heroically stepping on the gas and driving out of immediate zone if danger.

Or.. he might have failed to react as in the actual assassination, and almost stop the vehicle instead of immediately stepping on the gas.

I found that Attempting to hit the JFK model while the limo was moving was much more difficult even with the scope accurate. But I’m only an average shooter, not an expert, probably about the average type of shooter Oswald was on Nov/22/63.

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2023, 02:14:01 PM »
A 4X scope was used by most of the sniping aces in WWII. By the mid-1950s, Japanese-made lenses were the top of the line and were being used by most Life Magazine photographers.

The main problem with the Klein's Carcano rifle/scope "package deal" was the metal-stamped mount that could twist or turn if knocked. An "aligned" or sighted scope is only going to work in one particular range aling the bullet trajectory. Not much difference from the fixed iron sights. Either way, a rifleman has to compensate for the areas that are outside the sighted and fixed ranges. Adjusting for wind and bullet drop is not much of a factor for the distances in Dealey Plaza; the Carcano had good velocity which means wind and drop don't occur as early.

Compensation is a skill that legendary snipers have. They could do better with a poor rifle than a regular soldier could do with the best sniper rifle. A few of the legendary snipers didn't even use a scope. Oswald wasn't "legendary" because he missed the head on two attempts. Viewed through the scope, the head shot was on the extreme right of the skull, barely catching it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2023, 02:14:01 PM »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2023, 07:54:22 PM »
Apparently, the rifle and scope were purchased for the Walker assassination attempt. This photo shows an approximation of the (relative size of the window in his scope) image that I think LHO would have seen in his scope behind Walker’s house. Of course this is daylight, not darkness, and out of focus, and not leveled up. And one has to imagine Walker sitting at his desk in the room behind the window. This photo was taken at approximately 125’ from the window at a 5X magnification. If my calculations are correct this would be equivalent to a 4X magnification at 100’. I don’t think that is was as easy of a shot that some people seem to think it was. But I do think that LHO was capable of making the shot if his scope was set up properly and he used it properly. There are some variables that usually only an experienced scope user would be aware of. And Robert Oswald didn’t think that LHO had had any experience with a scope. So, for me it isn’t hard to believe that he could have missed by a small margin.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Controversial 1960's JFK Assassination Board Game
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2023, 07:54:22 PM »