Dickie, you may want to watch the film The Good Shepherd. Although a work of fiction, it kind of shows you how the good old boys network has always worked in the State Department and CIA.
I'm not saying either of those agencies were involved in Kennedy's murder. But I am saying that a legend was already built for Oswald. They even had a photo of him and his hot sexy Russian wife upon his return waving and smiling. I mean, really? Yes, he returned way before 11/22 but they were building a legend for some type of use for him later. And there's not doubt in my mind that this happened with other low-level intel folks too. Not for Kennedy's murder but for whatever they may find useful for them. I'm sure the others just faded into the background when they were never used.
But that's obviously not the case with Oswald. He ended up being the perfect foil. I used to think Ruby shot Oswald because Lee knew all about the murder. Another researcher has now convinced me otherwise - that Lee knew absolutely nothing about what was going to happen on 11/22. He was, though, a low-level intel guy running around, doing the fake leaflet handing in NO and so on. There's no doubt that this would have come out eventually, so he needed to be silenced. How would it look if the so-called madman Commie was also doing intel work? After all, he was supposed to only be a Marxist warehouse worker looking for fame, right?