@Mr. Banks: I generally agree with you and that’s why it seems unlikely to me that Oswald would , if he had earlier (theoretically) held a favorable opinion of JFK because JFK was doing things that Oswald would have approved of, that Oswald would suddenly flip his opinion and be enraged by just one newspaper article.
And enraged enough that he would contemplate shooting JFK.
That is, presuming Oswald was NOT suffering from a bipolar disorder or some other metal problem.
You're presuming: A) that Oswald read the news article and B), that it changed his mind about Kennedy.
Both rely too much on assumptions in my humble opinion.
We have zero evidence that Oswald disliked JFK or was even angry at him in 1963. And we know that Oswald's political views were closer to JFK's than Walker's. We also know that Oswald was aware after the assassination that killing JFK wouldn't change US policies towards Cuba (per Capt. Will Fritz's testimony).
Edwin Walker was a rightwing extremist who hated JFK. For all we know, he might've been involved in a rightwing plot against JFK and planted the story that Oswald took a shot at him in order to deflect suspicions about his own involvement in the Kennedy assassination.