If only NBC would just release the original films this whole issue of PM could be sorted out.
No need. It has already been sorted out-------Prayer Man in Darnell is not Mr. Oswald (nor is she Mrs. Sarah Stanton).
Mr. Oswald was indeed on the west side of that doorway when Pres. Kennedy was passing the building. But he's already gone by the time of Darnell.
Ten years ago, Prayer Man in Darnell emerged as a focus of justifiably enormous interest. But now it's just a distraction from the all-important question: Where exactly did LHO go when he "went outside to watch P. Parade"?

Turns out the answer has in fact been hidden in plain sight in the Hughes film all these years. Hughes shows Mr. Oswald taking a drink from the Coke he had shortly before bought from the machine in the second-floor lunchroom:

The longstanding erroneous assumption that this reddish-shirted man is Mr. Billy Lovelady caused all the confusion