No. This is all about the front entrance. Something to do with Mr. Oswald, the man you're desperate to keep off the front steps.
When I was trying to convince you Oswald wasn't Prayer Man
Actually you were trying to convince everyone that Prayer Man was Mrs. Sarah Stanton, which was and remains a ridiculous claim.
As soon as a better Darnell frame appeared, I immediately disavowed the LHO=PrayerMan claim. Have you disavowed your ridiculous Stanton claim? Or are you still the last signed-up co-member of the Doyle Club?
And yes, you are desperate to keep Mr. Oswald off the front steps, and have foamed at the mouth at any suggestion his suppressed claim in interrogation that he "went outside to watch P. Parade" is important
you kept throwing that phrase up all the time, that I was desperate to keep Oswald off the front steps.
Turns out I was right and you were wrong but let's not dwell on that.
Let's not forget, Shelley is already on the record as stating he met Gloria across the street so you're idea that he can somehow undo this during his WC testimony seems a little stretched.
That this detail reveals something important about Oswald being out front also seems like something that is going to require some fanciful speculation.
I do, however, agree that Shelley and Lovelady lie through their teeth during their respective WC testimonies.
But your downgrading of Mr. Shelley's transformed Calvery story from an obvious lie to a piece of innocuous muddled memory is a major error IMO
And finding out what they are lying about starts with what was left out of their affidavits.
In their affidavits both men neglect to mention that they head down the Elm Street extension and enter the TSBD building through the west door. Both men leave the unavoidable impression that they re-enter the TSBD building through the front door.
In their WC testimonies both men now acknowledge they enter through the west door but lie about how long it takes them to get there.
In the 1970's, Lovelady reveals he didn't re-enter the TSBD building for "15 to 20 minutes" after the shooting.
As far as I'm concerned the lies have something to do with them entering the building through the west door.
I think you've got things precisely back-to-front, Mr. O'Meara. Mr. Lovelady IMO is covering for Mr. Shelley, who wishes to account for several missing minutes immediately post-shooting. That's why they've been fictitiously paired off. That's why an excursion west to the railroad track has been invented. Mr. Shelley went AWOL during this time, and Mr. Lovelady remained at the front entrance (long enough to see Mr. Oswald stepping outside after being stopped by Lt. Erich Kaminski).
Their affidavits don't give away what Mr. Shelley did in those missing minutes, nor however do they offer the fanciful Westward-Ho tale that was later contrived to cover Mr. Shelley's absence.
I believe that Mr. Shelley, upon hearing from Ms. Calvery that Pres. Kennedy had been shot, was shocked and panicked. This wasn't the false-flag missed-shots incident he and Mr. Truly had signed up for involvement in as TSBD-side facilitators.