Hi Steve and Dan, I stand corrected! If only I can read what you wrote Steve! They are all standing at the R. L, Thorton lamppost, not the Stemmons Freeway sign lamppost. Thank you for teaching me! With Much Gratitude and Admiration, Michael
OK, so back to square one.
If Westbrook, Clavary, Hicks and Reed aren't in the pictures of the immediate aftermath of the assassination where are they.
More importantly, where are they in this picture:

I agree with you that the available evidence strongly indicates all four are stood together and that Westbrook is wearing a headscarf.
The four women to the right of A J Millican have been confidently identified as Mary Woodward and her work colleagues.
The three women on the far left can only be Simmons, Holt and Jacobs as there are no alternatives for their identification from the Darnell images.
So where are Westbrook, Calvary, Hicks and Reed in the above picture.