Here’s the part Bill conveniently left out:
“however, he would hesitate to definitely identify OSWALD as the individual.”

The FBI just couldn't get Mr. Reynolds to make a positive identification of Mr. Oswald as the individual.
Two days later, Mr. Reynolds was shot in the head.
Thereafter, Mr. Reynolds was miraculously able to make a positive identification of Mr. Oswald as the individual.
Though he did, in fairness, try to hedge it a little:
Mr. LIEBELER. You later identified that man as Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr.REYNOLDS. In my mind.
Mr. LIEBELER. Your mind, that is what I mean.
Mr. LIEBELER. When you saw his picture in the newspaper and on television? Is that right?
Mr.REYNOLDS. Yes; unless you have somebody that looks an awful lot like him there.