Is that an opinion or a comment?
Listen Charles, let me tell you what's happened here.
You've tried to defend an indefensible position and ended up saying some silly things. You've jettisoned common sense in favour of blindly defending your "faith".
Now you're reduced to semantics and baseless accusations.
There could be no clearer sign that you've lost it.
Your assertion that Latona missed the palm print because he covered the rifle in gray powder before inspecting it visually, with a magnifying glass, is simply nonsense. The head of the FBI's fingerprint division, a man with decades of experience, would be more than capable of seeing a print that Day felt was just as good as the print he'd supposedly lifted for identification purposes.
You're suggestion that there was something wrong with Latona's eyesight is equally as desperate.
There was no print or remainder of a print or a remainder of an attempt to lift a print on the underside of the barrel when Latona received it, hours after Day had handled it.
This indicates Day was lying about the print being there in the first place. Just like he lied about not having enough time to compare the print he supposedly lifted with Oswald's actual prints.
Just like he lied to the Commission when he said he returned to the TSBD building to process the crime scene when, in fact, he was giving the press a tour of the crime scene
before it was fully processed.
That the DPD may have manipulated the evidence in order to nail the man they were absolutely convinced killed both Tippit and JFK doesn't seem to have crossed your mind. As if the good 'ol boys of the DPD would never dream of such a thing.