This was a brilliant catch!
Are we 100% sure that this man IS in fact Mr. Roy Edward Lewis? Has he ever identified himself as the man in the Hughes frame & the Willis photo?
Hi Alan, I am 100% sure this is Roy Edward Lewis. Robin and other researchers have commented how weird it is that he has taken Carl Edward Jones identity and place. Roy has said in a Larry Rivera video--- I saw him[President Kennedy] brush his hair over with his right hand and then there were the shots. Well this could only have happened if he was standing at the corner of Main and Houston Streets like he is in the Bronson film. Then in No More Silence he said I heard Boom Boom Boom and the people in front of me hit the ground. There was no one hitting the concrete outside of the TSBD if he was on the top step or behind the glass. I can understand why he could keep quiet at first. He had just seen, from one of the closest and best vantage points of any of the witnesses, the most powerful man in the world get his brains blown out. Also, like the Chism family, they just feared because they were black that something could happen to them, so they kept their mouthes shut. Thank you for writing! Sincerely yours, Michael
First, let's look at some statements made by Roy Lewis to the FBI and the Dallas Police.
12/9/63 FBI Report (CD 205 p23) "... viewed the Presidential motorcade and heard the shots…but could offer no information as to where the shots had come from.”
2/18/64 Dallas Police report, CD950, p.54) "Subject stated that he was in the entrance of the building when the president was assassinated."
3/18/64 Statement to FBI agents (referenced above) "... at approximately 12 :25,PM I stood by myself on the inside of the front entrance of the Texas School Book Depository Building to watch President John F . Kennedy come by the building in a motorcade..."
1998 No More Silence Pg 84-89 "...“I was standing with some ladies from up in the offices right in the middle of the steps in front of the building that led to the sidewalk beyond the glass door. As the motorcade came by, I remember seeing Kennedy brushing back his hair. That’s when all hell broke loose! I heard BOOM!... BOOM!... BOOM! with the second and third shots being closer together. The people down in front of me hit the ground then everybody started running toward the grassy knoll…