I wasn't name calling.
Anyone who believes the Zapruder film was altered is a fantasist.
Against Brugioni's memory - Roland Zavada.
Zavada was one of the leaders of the team that invented Kodachrome II, the same film as Zapruder's.
Zavada, described as "world's leading expert on 8mm Kodachrome II film" [https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/21/zapruder-film-analysis-still-disputed/3672031/], undertook a massively comprehensive examination of the Zapruder film and compiled a 150 pg report [https://archive.org/stream/ZavadaReport/Zavada+Report_djvu.txt]
He concluded that the Zapruder film was an "in camera original" and that any alleged alteration was unfeasible.
The Zavada Report ends any speculation about the Z-film being altered.
It is also possible to use your brain and a modern copy of the Z-film. Look at the gif below and explain to me where this alteration could've occurred. Jackie's movements are fluid and seamless and any alteration would have to take into account the arrival of Hill in the same clip:

If that's not good enough, here are the Zapruder and Nix films synchronised. Once you start claiming the Nix film has also been altered you have entered tinfoil territory:

The Zavada Report, the Nix/Zapruder films synchronised and a bit of common sense debunk any claims to alteration.
Hi Dan, Ironically, the great Gerda Dunckel did a gif of Clint Hill getting on the back of the limousine and the Zapruder film is missing a few frames. Both Mr. Zapruder and Mr. Nix felt that frames were missing from their films. Also we know that at least seven frames are missing from the Tina Towner film based on the great work done by Chris Davidson! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael

Here is what Abraham Zapruder said about his film when asked at the Clay Shaw Trial.22 At this time we offer into evidence that
23 which we previously marked for
24 identification as S-37, the film
25 testified to by Mr. Zapruder.
Page 86
2 At this time we would like to traverse on
3 the offer.
5 You may traverse.
7 Q You say you were present when the copies of
8 your film were made?
9 A Yes, sir.
10 Q Were you actually present in the room in which
11 these copies were being made?
12 A Yes, sir, I was in the processing room watching
13 them actually process the film.
14 Q Is the copy you have here today identical to
15 the original or are there any plates
16 missing out of this copy?
17 A That would be hard for me to tell, sir.
19 I cannot hear the witness. What is it?
21 That would be hard for me to say. He
22 asked me if there are any frames
23 missing.
25 What is your answer?
Page 87
2 I couldnt say.
4 Q So you dont know whether it is a complete copy
5 of the film you took on the 22nd of
6 November?
7 A Not if there are one or two frames missing, I
8 couldnt tell you.
9 Q Mr. Zapruder, when these copies were made, do
10 I understand you ended up with an original
11 and two copies of the film?
12 A Yes, sir.
13 Q You gave one copy to the Dallas Police
14 Intelligence Section, is that correct?
15 A Yes, sir.
16 Q One copy to the FBI?
17 A Correct.
18 Q And one copy to Life Magazine?
19 A Yes, sir.
20 Q Where did you get this copy you have produced
21 here in open court today, if you disposed of
22 all the copies?
23 A I got them from Mr. Osers office.
24 Q In other words, this film has not been in your
25 possession up until now, is that correct?
Page 88
1 A No. It was given to me in his office.
In this Orville Nix interview, around the 1:40 mark he starts talking about missing frames.
I believe this is Chris Davidson's work showing the seven miising frames in the Tina Towner film.