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Author Topic: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?  (Read 92400 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #736 on: September 23, 2023, 11:19:58 PM »
In Reclaiming History, Mr. Vincent Bugliosi (or whichever luminary wrote this part of his book) writes (emphases added by me):

Julia E. Postal, the forty-seven-year-old ticket-taker, has been listening to the radio too. Just before the Texas Theater opened for business at 12:45 p.m., her daughter called to tell her that someone had shot the president, and she has been listening right there in the box office ever since. Though most of the police cars had turned around, one continued on, its siren blasting as it shot past the theater box office. John Callahan, the theater manager, who is standing next to Mrs. Postal, says, “Something’s about to pop.”
They both scramble out onto the sidewalk. The squad car looks like it’s stopping up the street. Callahan gets into his car at the curb to go see what’s happening. Shoe store manager Johnny Brewer, on the sidewalk east of the theater, sees the suspicious man, “walking a little faster than usual,” slip into the Texas Theater behind Postal’s back. For Brewer, it’s all adding up.

Now compare the very different account Mrs. Postal gives in her 4 Dec affidavit:

She is saying that man ducked into the theater BEFORE she went out onto the sidewalk-------i.e. she was still in the box office when this happened.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #736 on: September 23, 2023, 11:19:58 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #737 on: September 30, 2023, 04:32:39 AM »
If it’s true that Postal saw Oswald go past her while she’ was in the booth then wouldn’t she have said something like “HEY What are you doing sir? “
Since she apparently just watched Oswald go past and said nothing, that may indicate she KNEW he had already bought a ticket earlier at about 1:15, so no need to say anything.

So she saw Oswald twice, the 1st time at about 1:15 and Oswald stopped at the booth and paid for a ticket, then went inside and was seen by Burroughs 30 secs later (basically 1:15 also.)

The 2nd time Postal saw Oswald was about 1:35 pm as Oswald returns to the theater from having left the theater earlier at 1:20 pm, Oswald not having found whomever (or whatever?) he was looking for.

The dark blue jacket , which Earlene Roberts thinks maybe was the one Oswald was wearing when he left the house, must have been taken off by Oswald  after he was seen by Postal the 1st time and the jacket therefore left in some seat when Oswald went back out the theater AFTER 1:20pm.
Why Oswald went out to visit Brewers store is still not clear unless that was the nearest public phone available.

But then would not Oswald have been seen by Brewer USING the phone if it’s inside the store?

Was there a phone just OUTSIDE Brewers store?

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #738 on: September 30, 2023, 09:08:39 AM »
If it’s true that Postal saw Oswald go past her while she’ was in the booth then wouldn’t she have said something like “HEY What are you doing sir? “
Since she apparently just watched Oswald go past and said nothing, that may indicate she KNEW he had already bought a ticket earlier at about 1:15, so no need to say anything.


So she saw Oswald twice, the 1st time at about 1:15 and Oswald stopped at the booth and paid for a ticket, then went inside and was seen by Burroughs 30 secs later (basically 1:15 also.)

The 2nd time Postal saw Oswald was about 1:35 pm as Oswald returns to the theater from having left the theater earlier at 1:20 pm, Oswald not having found whomever (or whatever?) he was looking for.

The dark blue jacket , which Earlene Roberts thinks maybe was the one Oswald was wearing when he left the house, must have been taken off by Oswald  after he was seen by Postal the 1st time and the jacket therefore left in some seat when Oswald went back out the theater AFTER 1:20pm.
Why Oswald went out to visit Brewers store is still not clear unless that was the nearest public phone available.

But then would not Oswald have been seen by Brewer USING the phone if it’s inside the store?

Was there a phone just OUTSIDE Brewers store?

I think he may have left briefly, and considerably later than 1:20, and had his search for a phone cut short by all the cop car activity, which freaked him out as relating possibly to himself. So he goes into the outside lobby of the shoe shop to avoid being seen by the cops, and then, when the coast is clear, returns to the Texas Theatre. Next thing he knows, the cops are descending on him in the theater.

For this scenario to work, he has to leave the Texas Theatre as the result of failing to find his contact. And that failure will have taken time: various seats to sit in. By contrast, he may have been away from the Texas Theatre for less than a couple of minutes
« Last Edit: September 30, 2023, 09:12:41 AM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #738 on: September 30, 2023, 09:08:39 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #739 on: September 30, 2023, 01:02:53 PM »

I think he may have left briefly, and considerably later than 1:20, and had his search for a phone cut short by all the cop car activity, which freaked him out as relating possibly to himself. So he goes into the outside lobby of the shoe shop to avoid being seen by the cops, and then, when the coast is clear, returns to the Texas Theatre. Next thing he knows, the cops are descending on him in the theater.

For this scenario to work, he has to leave the Texas Theatre as the result of failing to find his contact. And that failure will have taken time: various seats to sit in. By contrast, he may have been away from the Texas Theatre for less than a couple of minutes

His being seen by Mrs. Roberts leaving the rooming-house in a dark jacket, and his being arrested wearing no jacket, strongly supports this scenario IMO. Because it suggests he left his jacket behind in the Texas Theatre, expecting to return after making his phone call. 'Where the hell is X?' 'Don't worry, they're on their way to the Theatre. Go back and sit tight.'

Remember: in all this, Mr. Oswald knows nothing about the killing of a police officer a few blocks away. So he will be understandably connecting the urgent police car activity on Jefferson to the Dealey Plaza shooting---------and his own unwitting connection to that. So spooked out will he be by this thought that he'll abort mission on the phone call and return to the Theatre, hoping against hope his promised contact will turn up. Reconnecting his body with his jacket will be the least of his worries.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2023, 01:07:41 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #740 on: September 30, 2023, 01:22:22 PM »


Whether it really is this guy in both cases, or someone matching his description remarkably well, there is a simple fact about him that distinguishes him from Mr. Oswald: between Dealey Plaza and Oak Cliff, he has not changed his clothing.

So IF Officer Tippit pulls over and talks with him, for whatever reason, HE will understandably fear/infer that the cop he encountered by the stairs in the Depository just after the shooting gave his full description, leading to a police radio broadcast. He feels especially exposed, and is panicked into shooting the officer.

It is very possible that this guy---------Tan Jacket Man----------finds himself in much the same situation as Mr. Oswald. He signed up for a White House-approved false-flag missed-shots incident, performed his part faithfully from the SN window, only to discover with horror just afterwards that something much more nefarious was going on: an actual assassination. If so, then the man encountered by Officer Tippit on Tenth St. is, just like Mr. Oswald in the Texas Theatre, a 'guiltocent' man on the run from the cops.

What's he doing on Tenth St.? One answer might be: going to catch a bus for Red Bird Airport. He's the LHO-resembling 'Oswald' whose flight 'to Cuba' was to be a core element in the original planned story fed to the world by the Kennedy administration. Despite what just happened back in Dealey Plaza, he's sticking with the plan.

But after the lethal encounter with the officer, he's a cop killer to boot. All bets are off. So he flees down Patton a little ways before turning into the alley, as seen by i.a. Ms. Helen Markham, and by Mr. Bill Brown's least favorite witness, Mr. Jimmy Burt@1963:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #740 on: September 30, 2023, 01:22:22 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #741 on: September 30, 2023, 01:41:24 PM »
His being seen by Mrs. Roberts leaving the rooming-house in a dark jacket, and his being arrested wearing no jacket, strongly supports this scenario IMO. Because it suggests he left his jacket behind in the Texas Theatre, expecting to return after making his phone call. 'Where the hell is X?' 'Don't worry, they're on their way to the Theatre. Go back and sit tight.'

Remember: in all this, Mr. Oswald knows nothing about the killing of a police officer a few blocks away.

This NB!

During his arrest at the Texas Theatre, Mr. Oswald believes------------erroneously------------that the cops are nabbing him because they know of his involvement in the Dealey Plaza outrage. Because he really was involved in the false-flag operation (NOT the assassination), he knows he is in very deep trouble. There was no contact in the Theatre, he has not been extracted. And the fact that the cops have tracked him down so quickly can only mean one thing: he has been made a patsy by the very people he's being serving all along-----------------the Kennedy administration.

When the cops start talking about a murdered officer, he is genuinely bewildered.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2023, 01:46:06 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #742 on: September 30, 2023, 01:43:04 PM »
DPD worked out very soon that Mr. Oswald was not the man who murdered Officer Tippit. But they were under direction to quell any suggestion of a conspiracy in ANY aspect of this case. So they had no option but to do that thing they were so good at doing: pin the crime on the innocent man they had arrested. And then do everything they could to frame him for the Elm St. murder.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2023, 01:45:29 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #743 on: October 13, 2023, 09:33:14 PM »
Since there never was any grayish wool like jacket found , then BW Frazier  should be consulted if he could possibly confirm Oswald’s light gray jacket that is documented as evidence , as the jacket that Oswald was wearing on the Nov 22/63 Friday morning ride to the TSBD.

If so then Oswald’s light gray jacket was the one he likely was wearing when he left the TSBD after 12:33 pm.

But Oswald was NOT wearing that gray jacket when he was out on the front steps  if he is Red Shirt Man in Hughes film.

Therefore ,  Oswald had to have returned back into the TSBD to go get his light gray jacket before he left the TSBD a few minutes later.

The light Gray jacket sort of reconciles Whaleys account since Whaley imo was a little over zealous to support the WC so he said he saw BOTH the light gray jacket and the blue jacket which he kind of morphed  into a singular “work” jacket.

The light Gray jacket certainly fits better with Earlene Roberts having seen (she thought) at a glance, as Oswald entered the boarding house, that Oswald was wearing a light colored long sleeve shirt.

Oswald then took off his “work” light gray jacket and his “work” reddish solid texture shirt, to change to the darker brown shirt with hole in the sleeve and to his dark BLUE jacket.

That light gray jacket was therefore probably left at and thus found at Oswalds boarding house room and thats why it did NOT have any signs of dirt or motor oil on it from being (allegedly) thrown under a car in a parking lot, and it had no signs  of any gunpowder residue on the end of the sleeve as likely would be the case, , since the sleeves of the Tippit gunman were probably NOT rolled up at time of shooting, and since witnesses  of the Tippit shooter would likely have remembered such noticeable detail.

The BLUE jacket , therefore is more probably the jacket that  Roberts saw Oswald zipping up on his way out the house, since it’s unlikely she would perceive a light gray jacket as “ dark” blue.

The BLUE jacket, therefore, was probably  the one that Oswald was wearing when he entered the theater at approx 1:15 pm ( per Burroughs) which is just about the right amount of time from leaving boarding house at 1:04pm  ( 11 minutes) Oswald needed to walk about 0.9 mile to the Texas theater.

The BLUE jacket was left in one of the seats that Oswald sat in before or after  moving around several times at around 1:20 pm eventually sitting near Jack Davis.

The act of Oswald apparently  getting up to move when the lights came on when the DPD entered the theater, and then Oswald STOPPED,  may be an indication he was ABOUT  to get his jacket from some other seat nearby, that  he had left it in earlier,  but halted because the police entered.

So the BLUE jacket theoretically got returned to the Domino room of TSBD  because  it being found in the Theater exonerated Oswald of being the Tippit shooter.

The Light GRAY jacket likely  found in Oswald’s room at 1:30 pm had to becomes the broken chain of evidence “white “ jacket that was claimed to be the jacket worn by the Tippit shooter otherwise It’s extremely doubtful Oswald could have been the Tippit shooter.

So then Brewers account of seeing Oswald without any jacket on at approx 1:30 pm necessitates Oswald  leaving the theater some time after 1:20 pm for some reason and being in Brewers store for a few minutes before Oswald then returns to the Theater.

The reason  for Oswald moving around to several seats between 1:15 and 1:20 pm, Oswald shedding his blue jacket in one of those seats and Oswald exiting the theater after 1:20 pm  then returning to the theater again by 1:35 pm, is an indication he was looking for someone. Oswald then went  outside the theater  to look around for the person, going as far as to check Brewers store, then Oswald returned to the theater  hoping the person would arrive.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #743 on: October 13, 2023, 09:33:14 PM »