In Richard Bothun's fourth photograph, there is a shadowy figure at the far right. He is known as Shadow Man.

I propose that Shadow Man is this older gentleman leaning against the concrete wall in this Croft photograph. He is to the lady's left, who is wearing the blue dress, glasses, and the red sweater. He is wearing an army summer uniform and a garrison cap.

I am also proposing that he is the man who Senator Ralph Yarborough said dove and hit the ground in The Men Who Killed Kennedy. It was not Gordon Arnold.
Starting at around the 4:42 mark you can hear Senator Yarborough.
Concerning Gordon Arnold, yesterday Duncan posted access to the Roy Cooper film. In the copy listed below, just for a few seconds, it looks like we have possibly an army soldier, dressed in his summer uniform, wearing his garrison cap, and maybe even carrying a camera in his right hand. Is this a picture of Gordon Arnold on November 22, 1963? Sincerely yours, Michael
Starting around the 33 second mark, go straight back in the middle of the two wooden posts from the left hand side, until you hit the man to the right of the lady wearing the white coat with her back to us. Unfortunately there is a lady wearing a black coat who obscures his right arm most of the time.
If you look straight back in these Murray photographs, past the wooden posts, it appears we have the back of the soldier shining in the sun on the left hand side of the posts. There appears to be something shiny in his right hand, perhaps his camera.