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Author Topic: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold  (Read 12782 times)

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2023, 03:21:47 PM »
Hi Fred, I hope you are doing well! Please see below. Thank you for your input! Sincerely yours, Michael

Concerning Gordon Arnold, Duncan posted access to the Roy Cooper film. In the copy listed below, just for a few seconds, it looks like we have possibly an army soldier, dressed in his summer uniform, wearing his garrison cap, and maybe even carrying a camera in his right hand. Is this a picture of Gordon Arnold on November 22, 1963? Sincerely yours, Michael

Starting around the 33 second mark, go straight back in the middle of the two wooden posts from the left hand side, until you hit the man to the right of the lady wearing the white coat with her back to us. Unfortunately there is a lady wearing a black coat who obscures his right arm most of the time.

If you look straight back in this Murray photographs, past the wooden posts, it appears we have the back of the soldier shining in the sun on the left hand side of the posts. There appears to be something shiny in his right hand, perhaps his camera.

In this Gerda gif of Black Dog Man, to his right you see a figure similar to Shadow Man, could this be Gordon Arnold as well?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2023, 03:21:47 PM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2023, 04:54:49 PM »
I just found a better picture of Badge Man. Please credit Denis Morissette! Sincerely yours, Michael

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2023, 10:44:07 PM »
  Within the last few days I have listened to the 1989 Gordon Arnold interview that was conducted by Canover Hunt/Curator of the Sixth Floor Museum. This roughly 45 minute oral interview was conducted shortly after Gordon Arnold appeared on the award winning "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" UK TV series. On that UK program, Arnold told the world that he had filmed the assassination of JFK and was then immediately accosted by a policeman wearing no hat who then took the film from inside his camera. Canover Hunt unearthed a lot of important but overlooked details during her 6/6/1989 interview of Gordon Arnold. One of these details is that Arnold told her his physical position while filming the JFK assassination was done while standing atop a dirt pile. Arnold took this position in order to achieve a high ground filming position. Arnold added the detail that dirt had been pushed around in this area just East of the picket fence that runs directly down toward Elm St. (If you look closely at the Darnell Film segment that displays a Bench in this same general area, that Bench is also situated on an elevated section of ground/dirt). This overlooked Gordon Arnold revelation of dirt having been moved around and therefore creating elevated ground positions, throws into a cocked hat the much speculated shot trajectories possibly being fired from this area. This speculation would include the possible Badge Man shot trajectories. In the complete Sitzman interview that was conducted by Josiah Thompson (not the abridged one that appears in his book), Thompson touched on the possibility of there being a shooter firing from an elevated position somewhere in the parking lot/train yard area. Obviously, Thompson was unaware of there already being sporadic elevated ground position East of the picket fence on 11/22/63. A dirt mound may also explain the Guy/Kid we see high above the picket fence on TOWNER 3 SLIDE. (UNCROPPED). That 1989 Sixth Floor interview of Gordon Arnold has held game changing information for decades. This once again calls into question the diligence of the JFK Assassination Research Community.             
« Last Edit: October 13, 2023, 10:48:33 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2023, 10:44:07 PM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2023, 01:32:00 AM »
I just found this colorized Murray photograph. To me it shows Gordon Arnold in his summer dress uniform even better because it shows a big contrast difference between what his uniform looks like compared to those in civilian clothes around him. Also, he is very near to where he said he parked his car.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2023, 02:54:50 AM »
I just found this colorized Murray photograph. To me it shows Gordon Arnold in his summer dress uniform even better because it shows a big contrast difference between what his uniform looks like compared to those in civilian clothes around him. Also, he is very near to where he said he parked his car.

     Michael - Congratulations on this find. It could be a legit breakthrough regarding the ongoing dispute surrounding whether Gordon Arnold was even inside Dealey Plaza when JFK was assassinated. Arnold was supposed to be dressed in a khaki colored uniform on that day. What we are seeing in this photo would pass the Arnold Khaki Uni eye test. Now, we need someone to ZOOM IN on that same figure to see if he is wearing a CAP. The confirmation or exclusion of a cap would almost conclusively help to decide whether Arnold was inside Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. During his 6/6/1989 Sixth Floor Oral History Interview, Arnold said he parked behind the Lee Bowers Tower. The figure we are looking in this photo is definitely headed toward the Bowers Tower.  Congrats again.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 02:56:20 AM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2023, 02:54:50 AM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2023, 07:36:30 AM »
     Michael - Congratulations on this find. It could be a legit breakthrough regarding the ongoing dispute surrounding whether Gordon Arnold was even inside Dealey Plaza when JFK was assassinated. Arnold was supposed to be dressed in a khaki colored uniform on that day. What we are seeing in this photo would pass the Arnold Khaki Uni eye test. Now, we need someone to ZOOM IN on that same figure to see if he is wearing a CAP. The confirmation or exclusion of a cap would almost conclusively help to decide whether Arnold was inside Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. During his 6/6/1989 Sixth Floor Oral History Interview, Arnold said he parked behind the Lee Bowers Tower. The figure we are looking in this photo is definitely headed toward the Bowers Tower.  Congrats again.

Hi Royell, Thank you my friend! It has always looked like he is wearing a garrison cap to me. If I am understanding Gordon Arnold correctly in his 1989 interview with Conover Hunt, he is saying that Lucien Sarti is Badge Man, and that he told Nigel Turner who the Railroad Man is. I think Sarti was a Frenchman who worked as an assassin for the Corsican Mafia. If you look at I think it is a Cancellare photo on the bottom with the Murray photo on the top, there are a couple of French looking men near Mary Moorman and to their left is a man who looks like E. Howard Hunt. The Frenchman wearing the beret looks to have a newspaper in his left hand; then in the Murray photo, it appears that the newspaper has been handed off to an older detective type American man wearing a hat, who now has the newspaper in his right hand. If all of this is happening, could there be a piece of Lucien Sarti's gun that has been dismantled and is being transferred around until it is gone? Thank you again for your compliment! Sincerely yours, Michael

« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 07:40:57 AM by Michael Welch »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2023, 08:12:04 AM »
  The feel I got from the Gordon Arnold/Canover Hunt interview was that Arnold recalled seeing Sarti previously, but Arnold could not with certainty place his Sarti sighting at Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. This I believe gives credibility to all the other details that Arnold revealed during that interview.
  To my knowledge, nobody other than Arnold has ever claimed to be in that dirt area between the picket fence and the Flat Concrete Walkway. This makes Arnold's telling of his standing atop a dirt pile/elevated, and adding that dirt in general had been pushed around back there a revelation. None of the Line-Of-Sight (LOS), or measured angles toward the Kill Shot "X" on Elm St, have taken into account that there were various positions back there that were Elevated above ground level. With there being black shadows from the picket fence to about 4 feet out toward the flat cement walkway, along with possible elevated mounds of dirt, does present the possibility of a shooter on the (E) side of the picket fence vs the routinely accepted shooter on the (W) side of the picket fence/inside the parking lot. A possible shooter on the East side of the picket fence, shooting from an elevated position atop a dirt mound, throws ALL the previous LOS measurements/shot angles from the parking lot side of the fence into a cocked hat.   
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 08:13:59 AM by Royell Storing »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2023, 09:26:49 AM »
  The feel I got from the Gordon Arnold/Canover Hunt interview was that Arnold recalled seeing Sarti previously, but Arnold could not with certainty place his Sarti sighting at Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. This I believe gives credibility to all the other details that Arnold revealed during that interview.
  To my knowledge, nobody other than Arnold has ever claimed to be in that dirt area between the picket fence and the Flat Concrete Walkway. This makes Arnold's telling of his standing atop a dirt pile/elevated, and adding that dirt in general had been pushed around back there a revelation. None of the Line-Of-Sight (LOS), or measured angles toward the Kill Shot "X" on Elm St, have taken into account that there were various positions back there that were Elevated above ground level. With there being black shadows from the picket fence to about 4 feet out toward the flat cement walkway, along with possible elevated mounds of dirt, does present the possibility of a shooter on the (E) side of the picket fence vs the routinely accepted shooter on the (W) side of the picket fence/inside the parking lot. A possible shooter on the East side of the picket fence, shooting from an elevated position atop a dirt mound, throws ALL the previous LOS measurements/shot angles from the parking lot side of the fence into a cocked hat.

Hi Royell, Thank you for your input my friend! To me, the spot you are talking about would be the spot where Lee Bowers saw a puff of smoke or a flash of light from his tower position! Thank you again! Sincerely yours, Michael

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Shadow Man and Gordon Arnold
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2023, 09:26:49 AM »