You got it backward. YOU are defending Sitzman as being a reliable source of information. You know, like: (1) her claim of seeing a black couple sitting on the bench near the Black Dog Man Nook, and (2) her claiming to have talked to an FBI Agent at the Top of the knoll. I'm still waiting on YOU to provide image verification or eyewitness corroboration of those having ever happened. Chop/Chop 
What's happening, Royell, is that I'm demonstrating, once again, that you're full of hot air and don't know what you're talking about.
you who is insisting Sitzman ran down the hill immediately. You do your usual thing of swallowing just a piece of the evidence down and regurgitating it as the "truth".
Far from me "defending Sitzman as being a source of reliable information", it's
you who are swallowing down the quote from her Thompson interview.
Because I'm familiar with the photo/film record I know it's something I can easily check for corroboration.
But you don't have the first clue about the photo/film record and didn't realise that Sitzman's claim - that she got off the concrete plinth and ran down the hill" - could easily be checked.
And now we have you ducking and diving, trying to shift the goalposts, anything other than admit to your mistake.
Because you never do admit to your mistake.
You wouldn't believe how many pictures I could post showing that Sitzman didn't run straight down the hill.
So, where did she go Royell?

Can you see her yet?
What do you think she meant when she said "I finally got back up to the alcove".
Come on.
You can do it.