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Author Topic: "Billy Lovelady, the man who says that he ate his lunch on the sixth floor"  (Read 11501 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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This last detail became a MAJOR headache for the 'investigating' authorities, who became aware of the figure of a man in a red shirt in Hughes drinking from a bottle just as Pres. Kennedy is coming onto Elm. St.:

They needed this person to be Mr. Lovelady.

Now check out this interesting exchange from Mr. Lovelady's HSCA interview:

HSCA: If a movie camera showed you farther in the center of the doorway than that person there [i.e. Lovelady in Altgens, who appears, due to the deceptive angle, to be well over to the left/west of the entrance] would you still identify that person as being yourself?
LOVELADY: Sure would. I would say the other picture was not taken at the split second as the one to the left is.
HSCA: Okay, alright. If it showed two figures in that doorway at the same time, and you could positively identify one as yourself, would that have any bearing on your identification of that other figure?
LOVELADY: No, that’s still me at the left [of the] doorway.

So no matter who else is on the west side of that doorway, one truth is non-negotiable: The guy way over on the left is Mr. Lovelady and no other.

It's a curious fact that, though Wiegman and Altgens clearly establish that Mr. Lovelady was in fact close to the CENTER of the doorway, Mr. Lovelady ALWAYS stuck to the same line: Throughout the motorcade, I was way over at the left of the doorway.

Even when looking at Altgens, he says the same thing!

Has he completely forgotten the fact that he was near the center of the doorway when the shots rang out?

Doubtful. More likely he is just parroting the line he was fed by the 'investigating' authorities desperate to disappear Mr. Oswald from the steps: I was right over by the west wall... I was right over by the west wall... I was right over by the west wall...
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 04:52:49 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Michael Welch

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Hi Alan, And in this gif, it looks like Billy has stolen Lee's shirt and Lee is putting on another shirt! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael

Offline Alan Ford

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As for the chicken bones & Dr. Pepper bottle-----------Mr. Bonnie Ray Williams was made to take credit for them

The argument that the 55-60-y.o. dark-complected v. bald man in the bright plaid shirt seen hanging out at the sixth-floor window by Mr. Arnold Rowland was Mr. Bonnie Ray Williams was always pretty preposterous. But it always puzzled me that no one in the 'investigation' ever seems to have even tried to get Mr. Williams to 'admit' to having been at the SN window several minutes before the motorcade--------in order to explain away (to the gullible) Mr. Rowland's 'elderly Negro' as him. Nor did they pull out all the stops to make Mr. Eddie Piper--------a MUCH more visually promising candidate---------take the role.

No. They were much more interested in explaining away the chicken bones & Dr. Pepper.

If my exploratory hypothesis about Mr. Lovelady is right, then these mentions of Mr. Lovelady in the March '64 memo---------

----------are no slips of the pen. They are evidence of an issue that was never allowed come to light in the WC testimonies. And they explain just why the chicken bones & Dr. Pepper were so inordinately radioactive to the 'investigation'.

Nothing to do with what Mr. Rowland saw on the sixth floor.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2023, 11:54:41 PM by Alan Ford »

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