"Brugioni never expresses any kind of view about whether or not the film was altered and Horne doesn't ask him a single question about it."
The interview with Dino Brugioni on Youtube, "The Zapruder Film Mystery," is not about Brugioni discussing whether or not the Z film was altered. Brugioni, a WW II combat pilot (60 missions) was a photo analyst at the NPIC lab in Washington. The interview is mainly about Brugioni's memory of seeing the original 8 mm. Z film at the NPIC lab on the evening of SaPersonay, November 23, 1963. The Z film was brought to the lab by two Secret Service agents, who had not yet seen it themselves. They wanted Brugioni to prepare displays of still photos taken from the film to be used for intelligence briefing. As Brugioni and the agents watched the original film, they were shocked by the sight of the head shot impact causing a fragment of JFK's skull to fly "three or four feet into the air," surrounded by a kind of bloody mist. Also noted by Brugioni; the original Z film showed the motorcade turning the corner onto Elm Street; the presidential limo coming to a brief but complete, stop; JFK being thrown forward by the impact; and a gaping wound at the right rear of the president's head. Brugioni prepared the two displays as requested, with 12-15 still pix on each one. In the early a.m. the two agents left the NPIC lab with the displays, and the original Z film. The next time Brugioni saw the film, years later, it was clearly different. The frames showing the piece of JFK's skull flying into the air had been removed; so had the frames of the motorcade turning onto Elm Street; the impact of the head shot had been shortened to frame 313, whereas in the original Z film seen by Brugioni that impact scene was several frames longer; the limo now slows, but does not stop; the president is now thrown backward by the shot; and the gaping wound at the right rear of JFK's head had been blacked out. This is the Z film we see today. According to Dino Brugioni, key scenes in today's film are different from the original Z film, which he saw at the NPIC lab on Nov. 23rd, 1963.
The interview with Dino Brugioni on Youtube, "The Zapruder Film Mystery," is not about Brugioni discussing whether or not the Z film was altered.That's the point I'm making.
"The Zapruder Film Mystery" is as much about Doug Horne as it is about Bruglioni. Horne is an out-and-out Alteration Fantasist [Altfan]. The whole point of his research is to demonstrate that the Z-film has been altered. He introduces his interview with Dino in this context, stating it is his belief the Z-film was altered by removing the limo stop, blacking out the back of JFK's head and removing frames to show debris being blasted out of the back of JFK's head, and painting on the head wound visible in the Z-film.
This last point, that the head wound was painted on, is so ridiculous it makes me feel embarrassed for Horne. It's possibly the most ludicrous claim ever made in JFK research.
The whole point of Horne's interview with Dino is to provide evidence to support his silly belief of alteration.
Horne doesn't ask him a single question about whether the Z-film was altered.
Why not? Horne has an opportunity to grill a guy who closely studied the original Z-film many times.
I find it inconceivable that Horne did not ask Dino whether there was a limo stop or whether or not Dino saw debris blown out of the back of JFK's head. Of course he asked him.
But Dino must have told Horne that there was no limo stop and there was no debris. And that's why Horne doesn't ask him about it during the interview.
If Dino had said he saw a limo stop or debris we would never hear the end of it, Horne wouldn't give a toss about the briefing boards, all he would want to hear about are the things that prove the Z-film was altered.
But, during the interview, Dino never mentions a thing that supports the fantasy that the Z-film was altered.
So Horne does something incredibly underhand.
During the interview he inserts a completely different interview with Dino and Peter Janney. The point of this interview is to fool the suckers that Dino had watched the "altered" Z-film and was saying it was different from the original he saw.
But that's not what happens.
Dino is shown a single frame, 313, and told that this is the only frame that shows the head explosion.
Dino doesn't believe it, he says there must be more frames than this showing the "mist" coming from JFK's head.
And, of course, he is right:

Janney lied to him about 313 being the only frame that showed the head explosion and Dino couldn't believe it. Horne gleefully jumps on this as 'proof' Dino saw something different but it's all a big con that the gullible just suck up without questioning.
There is not a single thing in "The Zapruder Film Mystery" that supports alteration of the Z-film. Dino made some briefing boards on SaPersonay night and was unaware that another team made some briefing boards on Sunday night. So what?
Really - so what?
It has nothing to do with film alteration.
All it means is that anyone who wanted to alter the film wasted 24 hours by giving it to Dino to make briefing boards that no-one would ever see. Why don't Altfans think about things like this?
"...Brugioni and the agents watched the original film, they were shocked by the sight of the head shot impact causing a fragment of JFK's skull to fly "three or four feet into the air," surrounded by a kind of bloody mist. Also noted by Brugioni; the original Z film showed the motorcade turning the corner onto Elm Street; the presidential limo coming to a brief but complete, stop; JFK being thrown forward by the impact; and a gaping wound at the right rear of the president's head"Dino never saw fragments of JFK's skull fly "three or four feet into the air".
Dino never saw the motorcade turn onto Elm Street.
Dino never saw the limo come to a stop.
Dino never saw JFK being thrown forward.
Dino never saw a "gaping wound at the right rear of the president's head".
Can you explain why you have attributed to Dino all these things that he never said?
I would be really interested to know how the mind of an Altfan works.
Is it that you don't have a clue about this subject and are just making things up?
Is it that you are deliberately presenting "fake news"?
What is it?