Just to rectify some of the lies being spread on this thread.
Nowhere does Dino say that pieces of JFK's skull were blown 3 to 4 ft into the air. He is talking about the spray or mist of blood that surrounds JFK's head as a result of the head shot. So, when Della posts -
"The frames showing the piece of JFK's skull flying into the air had been removed"- it is incredibly misleading. Dino never says that frames showing pieces of skull have been removed. He never even hints at it. But this is the kind of misrepresentation/falsehood, that takes hold when enough Altfans get together.
The clip from the Z-film I posted clearly shows this cloud of mist but we must remember that Dino was watching the pristine original. He watched it many times in slow-motion and real time and studied individual frames. He saw much greater detail than the copies we see today and could see this cloud of mist more clearly. It must also be noted that the clip I posted shows pieces of skull being blown about 20ft into the air.
The biggest lie [and there are many] in "The Zapruder Film Mystery" comes about 34 minutes in when Dino is showed a single frame, 313 and told that this is only frame of the Z-film that shows the head explosion. This is the kind of outright lie that Alteration Fantasists have no problem spreading. It is incredibly devious.
The whole film is incredibly devious and Horne's manipulation of Dino, who is a genuine person, is disgusting.
But this is all in a day's work for Altfans.
In my previous post I pointed out a series of incorrect statements made by Della.
There has been zero acknowledgement that these were, indeed, false statements. It's the usual tactic of spreading falsehoods and just silently moving on when these are pointed out only to re-emerge at a later date spreading exactly the same falsehoods.
But let's remember this truth about the film...
Horne is the ultimate Altfan.
All his research is geared to demonstrating that the Z-film has been altered.
He believes the limo stop has been deleted, that debris flew out of the back of JFK's head and this has been deleted, that the back of JFK's head has been blacked out and that the head wound has been painted in [

, I shouldn't laugh but this last 'belief' is too much].
He has sat in front of him a man who intensely studied the original Z-film.
Does he ask this man about the limo stop?
Does he ask this man about debris being blown out of the back of JFK's head?
Does he ask about the injuries apparent on JFK's head?
Does he ask him if he believes the Z-film was altered?
It's all a massive con and a lie,
Dino never says a single thing that supports alteration. NEVER.
Horne's disgusting manipulation of what Dino actually says is stomach churning.
But it's all in a days work for Altfans.
One last point, because I am genuinely interested in the state of mind of an Altfan.
Hornes' belief is that the Z-film is altered to hide evidence that there is another shooter.
Yet, the single factor about the Z-film that stands head and shoulders above everything else is the "back and to the left" motion.
If anything demonstrates there is a shooter from the front it's the "back and to the left" motion.
I believe this sole factor is the single most influential piece of evidence when it comes to believing in conspiracy.
So, here's the question - what's the point of altering anything in the film to hide evidence of another shooter when the "back and to the left" motion remains in the film?
I'm genuinely interested in seeing what mental gymnastics are going to be utilised answering this question.