Hi Dan, Listen to him yourself starting around the 19 minute mark! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael
Sorry Michael, my dear wonderful friend but Mantik is talking out his Asshole!
This frame comes from your video and is pointing Mantik's "soft matte" which appears to Mantik when viewed in 3D with it's pair is actually "2D".

Now, here's the two stereoscopic autopsy images side by side that Mantik was referring to and which I have posted many times in the past and when viewed stereoscopically they produce a PERFECT 3D image. And if you don't believe me look at them yourself through a 3D viewer! Go ahead I'll wait.

But after members couldn't actually figure out how to view these images stereoscopically because let's face it most have the same low intellectual capacity as Royell, who btw still hasn't the technical knowledge to post a photo and couldn't photo analyse his way out of a wet paper bag. So I found a way to combine 2x stereoscopic images into a rotating morph and any "added soft 2D mattes" would simply be easily discovered and would not show the same smooth rotation but as can be clearly seen Mantik was simply making up stuff.

And further to what Mantik was claiming, he said the 2D anomaly was unique to the above stereoscopic photos and the others showed a 3D effect, which unfortunately for Mantik is seen in the following Autopsy photo and shows the same wound as described in the Autopsy report and as seen in Zapruder. Mantik obviously didn't know that we would all eventually have the ability to see EXACTLY what he saw and he simply hoped that his lies would remain secret, what a sad deluded man!

Btw before you go off on another tangent and make another silly claim as usual, first deal with the above evidence. Thanks in advance!