The guy turning on Muchmore is NOT solely wearing a WHITE SHIRT. NONE of the 3 Men standing on The Steps is solely wearing a WHITE SHIRT. Muchmore does NOT show the White Shirt Man. NIX DOES SHOW the entirely White Shirt Man, and this White Shirt Man was described by Bowers in his WC Testimony. Stop simply repeating the party line and do your research work. Frame-By-Frame. The party is over.
The guy turning on Muchmore is NOT solely wearing a WHITE SHIRT.
Please point out where Bowers definitively says that the man was "solely" wearing a white shirt because I can't see it? but it looks like the man who did turn and run was definitely wearing a shirt that could very well be white under his cardigan.
Mr. BALL - Was his motorcycle directed toward any particular people?
Mr. BOWERS - He came up into this area where there are some trees, and where I had described the two men were in the general vicinity of this.
Mr. BALL - Were the two men there at the time?
Mr. BOWERS - I--as far as I know, one of them was. The other I could not say.
The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The white shirt, yes; I think he was.
And Oh yeah Bowers is a fantastic Eyewitness!
Mr. BALL - Did you see any activity in this high ground above Elm after the shot?
Mr. BOWERS - At the time of the shooting there seemed to be some commotion, and immediately following there was a motorcycle policeman who shot nearly all of the way to the top of the incline.
Mr. BALL - On his motorcycle?
Mr. BOWERS - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Did he come by way of Elm Street?
Mr. BOWERS - He was part of the motorcade and had left it for some reason, which I did not know.
Mr. BALL - He came up---
Mr. BOWERS - He came almost to the top and I believe abandoned his motorcycle for a moment and then got on it and proceeded, I don't knowMary Moorman's photo cropped

The Moorman photo was on the UPI network on SaPersonay and was on the front page of newspapers on Sunday.

Btw Royell, you're not having much luck today and remember that three plus a bazillion strikes and your OUT!