Your admittedly being unaware of the history of the Wiegman Film immediately DQ's you from further discussing anything connected to it. Do your homework. Bone-up on the Wiegman Film. Gary Mack himself issued a Mea Culpa with regard to his furthering the Wiegman "continuous" issue. This is a major problem when discussing anything connected to the JFK Assassination. People are trumpeting uneducated positions/opinions. We currently have a couple of generations getting up-to-speed on exactly what has gone down over the last 60 yrs with regard to the assassination of JFK. People such as yourself need to slow your roll and instead further your knowledge on this subject. All you are accidentally doing is poisoning the well of these current generations that are looking for JFK Assassination FACTS.
People such as yourself take for granted that is Wiegman on the Bell Film due to the guy wearing a hat. Neither Zapruder or Wiegman ever verified seeing each other immediately following the assassination, yet the Bell Film shows these alleged 2 individuals almost close enough to shake hands. It is this reckless manner of ID'ing people on assassination films/images which has led to the ongoing state of JFK Assassination confusion. And while we are on the subject of assigning valid ID's to eyewitnesses of the assassination, Emmitt Hudson is the only person to ever ID Emmitt Hudson as standing/sitting on The Steps. The ID of Hudson should be treated just like the ID of Bev Oliver = Babushka Woman.
Do your homeworkI don't need to do my "homework", Royell, as you are going to do it for me.
You are the one making unsubstantiated claims, not me.
You can cite exactly where you are getting your claim from that the Weigman film was heralded as being "continuous".
You can also cite exactly where this unsubstantiated claim has been proven wrong.
In fact, you can reproduce the passage from where you are getting this unsubstantiated claim from.
That's how things work around here, Royell - you, obviously haven't noticed.
Until you produce support for your claims they will be treated exactly for what they are - unsubstantiated, unfounded, baseless.
People are trumpeting uneducated positions/opinions.As I am DQ'd from talking about what I see with my own eyes, according to you, maybe you can clarify a couple of things.
1) Is the Presidential limo shown in Weigman before it reaches the underpass?
2) Do you agree this is less than 6 seconds after the head shot, something we know from watching the Z-film?
I'd like you to answer these questions as I will be pressing for an answer.
People such as yourself take for granted that is Wiegman on the Bell Film due to the guy wearing a hat.And people such as yourself like to go on about how clued up you are about this case and then make comments such as this which reveal a weak grasp of the evidence.
After leaving his vehicle, Weigman races towards the pergola and takes up a position where he films the Hesters lying on the grass. It's quite famous footage. The way to identify Weigman in Bell is not by his hat [

] but by his position as he films the Hesters:

The pic above is taken approximately 10 seconds after Bell has filmed the limo reaching the underpass.
3) Do you agree the Bell pic above shows Weigman in position, filming the Hesters?
Neither Zapruder or Wiegman ever verified seeing each other immediately following the assassination, yet the Bell Film shows these alleged 2 individuals almost close enough to shake handsThis is such a ridiculous point to make it's hard to know whether you are serious or not. I've been around long enough to know that this kind of statement reveals someone who is so desperate to make a point they will say almost anything.
Emmitt Hudson is the only person to ever ID Emmitt Hudson as standing/sitting on The Steps. The ID of Hudson should be treated just like the ID of Bev Oliver = Babushka WomanYou seem to have a bee in your bonnet about Hudson which is irrelevant as far as this discussion is concerned.
Who ID'd Malcolm Summers other than Malcolm Summers? Who ID'd A J Millican other than A J Millican? And I would be willing to bet there are dozens more witnesses at Dealey Plaza who are ID'd only by themselves.
Again, I've been around long enough to know you have some half-baked theory involving Hudson which is why you keep picking out his self-identification as something unusual while ignoring the many others this also applies to.
You talk as if you are some kind of font of wisdom regarding this case.
So let's see what you've got.
1) Is the Presidential limo shown in Weigman before it reaches the underpass?
2) Do you agree this is less than 6 seconds after the head shot, something we know from watching the Z-film?
3) Do you agree the Bell pic above shows Weigman in position, filming the Hesters?