Hi John, This is frame 386.

Kindly notice JFK is still upright enough for blood to be gushing on to the right side of his shirt. Simple gravity! Yet you are a science denier! Why? It was impossible according to your favorite Dr. Jenkins for JFK to go down because of his back brace. How many gushes of blood does it take to cover his shirt like blood covered Dr. Jenkins' shoes? The left half of JFK's frontal brain was intact, so you do the math! Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael
Hi Michael, you need to take a breath, buddy.
Each argument you present is crushed and you're now down to making truly bizarre statements that are making you look a bit silly.
In the frame you posted JFK is leaning all the way over to his left, he could hardly be leaning to his left any more than he is. Just take a closer look.
There's no way blood could be "gushing on to the right side of his shirt".
You are starting to make a fool of yourself.
You've not countered any of the evidence presented to you showing what nonsense you are talking and when a point you make is crushed, you simply ignore it and move on to your next meaningless point.
I think it's a bit cowardly of the other Nutjobs to leave you hanging out to dry.
There are plenty of "researchers" reading this thread who believe in alteration who have just hidden in the shadows watching you getting torn apart.
It's really cowardly.
But not unexpected.
You have presented nothing - NOT ONE THING - that can be used to support the fantasy of alteration.
You are now starting to make very silly points as you lose grip of your argument and are forgetting the forum is a written record.
As with most Alteration Fantasists, you do not give a sh^t about the actual evidence or about what really happened that day and that is why your arguments are being crushed - because they're not based in reality.
Do what all your fantasist buddies have done and retreat back to the shadows.