Have you ever wondered why the Babushka Lady has never been identified? Because the people who were involved in the assassination of JFK did not want to be found. Consider this, who in their right mind would admit to being involved in the assassination of a President of the USA? Even Oswald never admitted to being involved in the assassination of JFK. Anyone that has admitted to their supposed involvement in the assassination of JFK is probably looking for a book deal or notoriety where they can make money off it.
The Babushka Lady signaled the assassin team hiding in the pergola of the Grassy Knoll with a flashlight type device the go ahead and shoot signal. If the Babushka Lady could have confirmed that JFK was dead, the pergola shooters would not have taken those shots.
The three Tramps arrested in a railroad train boxcar at Dealey Plaza right after the assassination is the assassination team inside the pergola. They were seen by a railyard employee running to a railroad train boxcar 400 to 500 yards away from the pergola.
Here is a picture of two of the assassins as shown in a colorized version of the Mary Moorman photo inside the pergola at Dealey Plaza. To the right of the assassins, you can see Mr. Zapruder and Ms. Sitzman filming.

Here are a series of Zapruder frames that show the Babushka lady turning on her flashlights to notify the assassins to shoot.