This No Hat Cop being within only feet of where Gordon Arnold claimed he was assaulted by a cop with no hat is no coincidence. Arnold has been trashed for decades, and now he's being vindicated. The No Hat Cop has been on the Darnell Film since 11/22/63 and somehow the JFK Assassination Research Community missed it? And the No Hat Cop is not the only "reveal" that has been hiding in plain sight for close to 60yrs. Hang onto your hat! --------------------- TO BE CONTINUED .................................
Everything you post is Tinfoil garbage.
This No Hat Cop being within only feet of where Gordon Arnold claimed he was assaulted by a cop with no hat is no coincidence.You're right, it is "no coincidence" because the No Hat Cop isn't a cop.
It is also no coincidence that there isn't a single clear picture of this No Hat Cop in the film/photo record. Not a single one! Just blurry, indistinct images and that's all [the amusing thing being that in the image that got this

started , the person is wearing a hat/helmet].
It is a gullible mind that is swayed by so little.
Arnold has been trashed for decades, and now he's being vindicated.

Read all four pages of this article which completely demolishes Arnold's tall tale - it we see that Arnold places himself almost next to the bench we see in Darnell, the one Sitzman saw the young black couple on. As we have seen elsewhere, Arnold's dirt mound does not exist:

In the Sitzman interview posted by Duncan, she emphasises how quiet and distant the gunshots were, yet here is Arnold, supposedly a few feet way, claiming multiple shots blasting over his head. Sitzman also notes that she is brought out of her shock by the sound of breaking glass, her attention being drawn to the young couple racing away. But no sign of Arnold in the same area.
Then there's the letter to his wife written shortly after the assassination where he fails to mention being in Dallas, let alone Dealey Plaza, seeing JFK or being mugged by two [or was it one] law enforcement officials.
Arnold's story is a crock, there is nothing to support it and plenty against it.