For starters, I specifically referenced the JFK Assassination Old Guard Researcher Community. The Clay Shaw trial is not that body. Also, the Clay Shaw trial did NOT get into detail regarding Craig's encounter. The LA Free Press was an underground publication. They have NO Credibility whatever they might have thrown out onto the street.
The Shaw trial was initiated by and prosecuted by Jim Jolly Green Giant Ego. Last I checked he would still be considered to be an "old guard researcher," if a deceased one. One of Garrison's prosecutors showed Craig a Carcano. Craig affirmed the the rifle he saw found in the Depository looked like the rifle shown to him. More important is what Craig did not say: anything about "Mauser 7.65" stamped on the barrel. Nor did he testify about the rifle ever being identified as a Mauser by anyone else. That's quite a (non) admission, given some of Craig's later Ramblings.
And your attempt to discredit the Jones/Craig interview in the LA Free is nothing more than a baseless bag of hot air. The only reason you don't like it is that you don't like what it says, and that discredits what you want to believe.