1.) The Alyea film was aired on WFAA at roughly 3 PM on November 22. It's pretty far fetched to think that they could have re-shot the rifle discovery and got it on air so quickly.
2.) Who said Weitzman was an expert in identifying weapons? He never claimed to be one. He also was a deputy Constable, not a detective. The primary role of the Constables office is to serve court documents and assume the role of bailiff forth the Justice of the Peace.
i just wanted to return to comments directed at me in this thread , where i said that there were photos at the least taken at different times that tragic friday and later . i said photos taken at later times and recreation photos , i said not one word about faking of any photo or film . it is truly quite extraordinary how a person such as my self can write PHOTOS TAKEN AT DIFFERENT TIMES THAT DAY and perhaps on different days there after and LN morph that into FAKED PHOTO AND FILM .let me show here what my original comment was speaking of . i will use an online article also to highlight what i was talking about . i should note of course it is not my article .
"Notice the far window in the two exhibits (above) and the Studebaker photo (right). Notice that it is completely black, showing absolutely no detail. Compare that with the other window, which clearly shows a daylight scene showing the crowd and traffic in front of the County Records Building.
Keep in mind that these photos were allegedly taken at approximately 1:00 PM on the afternoon of the assassination. How can you have possibly have a daylight scene in one window, while the other window shows darkness consistent with midnight rather than mid-day??? We should be able to see the north face of the light colored County Records Building through that window. I believe these photos were taken at a later time, and that they were altered to hide the fact they were taken during the night. The daylight scene we see through the near window was added to the photos to make it appear that they were taken in the afternoon.
The photo on the left shows the same area taken from the opposite direction. Notice the corner of the near window (white rectangle). It shows the same absolute blackness as the other photos. I include this to dispel any notion that the extreme darkness seen through the window was caused by a shadow on the north face of the Records building. The photo on the right was taken by a newsman on the afternoon of the assassination, and shows just how much sunlight filtered through those windows. "
now here are the photos in question
There are more indications that Dallas Police Department's sniper's nest photos were not taken the afternoon of the assassination. Notice the object on the window ledge in the photo top right (see circle). This appears in several of the photos taken by newsmen that afternoon after Day & Studebaker took their evidence photos. Closer examination of these photos reveal that the item is a hammer.
Lieutenant Day told the Warren Commission that they took several reconstruction photos on Monday, November 25th. Among the photos, were Commission Exhibits 733 and 734:
Although Day told the Commission that one photograph was taken Monday morning (CE 727). But these two photos were obviously not taken in the morning, for once again we see the black of night through the window. Here's another photo taken at that session:
NOTE THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE THE WINDOW ? , NOTE THE DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF THE BOXES AT THE WINDOW ? . so i said photos were taken at different times and days , i used the wording reconstruction photos . i was completely correct in saying this . AT NO POINT DID I EVER SAY PHOTOS AND FILM WERE FAKE .my thanks to the original author for the above segments of the article and the photos provided .