On November 16, despite David being exposed to "all of this," in less than the past two years, he asked,
(He is "weighing in" on a new thread indicating that Dial Ryder, at the time he was interviewed by the FBI as described below by John Armstrong, was being questioned by the FBI in a house located just across the street from Buell Frazier's and on the same side of Fifth Street as Ruth Paine's house.)
So Ryder is now a "suspicious person" too, eh? Why is that?
David, I enjoyed working with you, eight years ago, on the postal money order re-examination and before that, on the "Zone 12" marking on thw Klein's rifle order
envelope postmark and look forward to working with you again, but I think in this instance, you are minimizing investigative failure or possibly a cover up.
In 1973, when Grossi and his girlfriend stole a $17,000 motor home in Lodi, CA, the FBI launched an exhaustive investigation, something they showed no sign of doing, here, despite investigators by nature being dismissive of coincidences!
www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=137435#relPageId=1 ...
Don't you find it odd that the DPD had knowledge of Oswald's link to Bowen-Corsi so soon, but neither the DPD or FBI ever publicly connected Bowen-Corsi to his ex-brother-in-law Dial Ryder? Or, that Bowen-Corsi was associated with Dial's sister's
(Lucille Fleta Ryder) (Bowen-Corsi's ex-wife) next husband, Roy Mantooth (convicted of burglary of a post office and theft of blank old style money orders and a printer) and Mantooth's brother?
That sounds like a bunch of insignificant six-degrees-of-separation nonsense to me, Tom.
I'm almost inclined to think you're kidding and poking a little fun at over-zealous CTers with this above post of yours. (But you aren't poking fun, are you?)
Anyway, the one thing I'm still waiting for the police to investigate is the connection between Wilma Tice's future mother-in-law and Bonnie Ray Williams' ex-mailman in the year 1952! Seems to me that connection can't be overlooked when discussing the subject of conspiracy in the Kennedy case.
Obligatory --- 
Eddowes claimed the WC omitted the exhibit of the library card with John Leslie Bowen as a reference displayed on the back found in an Oswald wallet,
He said he came across it displayed in Jesse Curry's book.
Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald - Page 209books.google.com › books
Edward Jay Epstein · 1978 · Snippet view
Found inside – Page 209
... the rifle arrived in Dallas . Oswald picked it up at the post office and brought it back to his office , where he showed it to one of his fellow employees , Jack Bowen . Things had not been going well for Oswald at Jaggars- Chiles ...
Anybody want to attempt to explain why Fleda Ryder Bowen Mantooth's brother, Dial Ryder, and her former husband Jack Bowen, father of their son, wanted the public to believe Oswald just happened to present "his rifle" to both of them? Doesn't seem to fit the "lone nut" narrative, but more like conspiring of a felon or two, to plant or to cement a narrative? Below, it is established Jack Bowen, AKA John Cesar Grossi, was on good terms with both Dial Ryder's brother-in-law, felon Roy Mantooth, and with Mantooth's brother, "Robert Lee Mantooth" but Roy Mantooth was reported to use the name "Robert Lee Mantooth" as an alias.
An entry on this page describes John Cesar Grossi's arrest for impersonation of a US Navy officer in Detroit in 1946, a curious fete for a then teenager!
James Herbert Martin, was assigned by the SS to shelter Marina Oswald despite his felony record of deserting the US Navy in Detroit followed by a car theft then transported through several states....
Martin stated "Government Agents had already conducted a background check on him and propositioned him to allow Marina and her two children to live with him in his home."
https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=97748&relPageId=5 ....
It almost seems that DPD and FBI did not want to expand this particular area of their investigations, LOL!
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/79137046/dial-ryderDial Ryder, of Irving, passed away Thursday, October 20, 2011. He was born June 12, 1938 in Claremont, Illinois. He is preceded in death by
his wife Peggy Ryder in 2006 ...
From the thread in the first link displayed above,:

IRVING SPORTS SHOP. The day after the assassination (SaPersonay afternoon-11/23/63) gunsmith Dial Ryder found an undated repair ticket on his workbench at the Irving Sports Shop. The repair ticket had notations "drill and tap $4.50; bore sight $1.50; total $6.00" (work required to mount a scope). The name "Oswald" appeared on the ticket, but the ticket was undated and had neither a complete name nor an address nor a phone number. Ryder told the WC that he did not mention the repair ticket to anyone that weekend.
At 10:30 AM on Monday, November 25, FBI agent Emory Horton contacted and interviewed Ryder at his home in Irving, TX. It has never been determined how the FBI knew to send agent Horton to visit Ryder. Horton showed Ryder photographs of C2766 and photographs of Oswald. Horton asked Ryder if he knew Oswald or remembered working on this rifle. Ryder told agent Horton that he did not remember Oswald and he definitely had never worked on an Italian rifle. Ryder told the agent that he had a repair ticket with the name "Oswald" and notations for drilling, tapping, and boresighting. To the best of his memory, Ryder said this work had been performed between November 1 and November 15 at the Irving Sports Shop, but not on an Italian rifle......
Unfortunately, neither the FBI or John Armstrong discovered that Dial Ryder's sister, Fleta had married back to back felons who were actually partners in crime, or that Dial Ryder's nephew was the son of one of those two felons! ..
In the thread displaying the car accident image displayed above, confirming the Ryders were neighbors of the Randalls, Frazier, and of the Paines on West Fifth, and,
if Armstrong's excerpt is correct, the FBI had to know about the West Fifth neighbors, and in the thread, readers are informed Ryder and his wife moved from that address within eight weeks of when the FBI agent visited Dial Ryder there.