Analysis of the Towner3 photo fence person shows strong correlation to Marilyn Sitzman as she was filmed by Abe Zapruder a short time before the assassination.
Robert Groden, when discussing the Jim Towner3 slide in his 1993 book "The Killing of a President", wrote the figure looking over the stockade fence at the right of the frame as the first man to reach the stockade fence, and stands on a cement pedestal (22.4” above the current pavement) of the pergola steps. For a short individual, this is a good guess. However, for the tallish Marilyn that puts her too high for overlay with the Towner3 slide. Two steps down puts her at a proper height, and position, for the Towner3 slide.
I modeled Marilyn Sitzman using her height of 6’0” with articulation to give a good overlay with the Towner3 image. She is placed on the second step at the south doorway of the west pergola. The rendering with blue lower legs indicates mid knee level below a partially transparent retaining wall. Along with Mr. and Mrs. Hester, and possibly Mr. Zapruder, she was in the vicinity of the shelter after the last shot struck the president.
Marilyn’s handbag size and style were approximated using Willis09 and Zapruder’s test images taken before the motorcade was in Dealey Plaza. She stands along with the Hesters at the south entrance of the east pergola. She is holding a black purse. When played as a short gif of that scene there a few frames of a visible purse zipper or trim. She is wearing a dress of a light tan or khaki color, similar to that of the figure in Towner3. Mayilyn wears a dark scarf on her head. In some the Zapruder frames the scarf falls perfectly on her back, while other views show the southern windblown scarf on her shoulders. The figure in Towner3 is mostly in shadow, with only a small patch of sunlit khaki colored cloth below the waist.
There are a number of characteristics common to the Towner3 figure and Marilyn Sitzman.
01 Black or dark purse
02 Zipper or trim along the ends of the purse
03 Purse straps that are now resolved in a recent Towner3 enhancement
04 Short sleeves
05 Khaki upper and lower body clothing
06 Black or dark head covering
07 Possible southern windblown scarf now on her right shoulder
08 A 6’0” 3D model on the second step overlays with the Towner3 figure
09 Marilyn Sitzman at or in the shelter post assassination is only mere feet from these steps
Towner3 vs/ Sitzman Purse Strap and Scarf

Towner3 Sitzman 2 Views Retaining Wall Transparent Blue Lower Legs