Thanks for bringing the Skaggs’ oral history to my attention; it only took me about 4 hours to watch the full 2hr video.
The photo #8 of the motorcycle officer closeup I thought years ago was taken at the bridge. I wondered then if Skaggs climbed the wall to get into the parking area. But sometime ago I realized that photo was taken somewhere in the rail/parking area. Skaggs then could have just used the knoll steps and got to the parking area that way. In the oral history, Gary Mack did ask if Skaggs scaled a wall to get to that #8 position-to which Skaggs answered no.
As far as Marilyn Sitzman’s time line for slide #9 there was no help, as you mentioned. Our next known view of Sitzman is in a Murry photo taken from somewhere near the south Elm storm drain before 12:41. Sitzman is on the patio just at the north side of her shared Zapruder pedestal while interviewed. Darnell is standing close by and appears to be listening to the interview, before or after he filmed the scene.
Yes, it takes some patience to watch the interview. It was frustrating a few times when I felt Jay Skaggs was about to say something that was relevant to what we are wanting to know, he was interrupted. But it was interesting to learn more about the Skaggs, including that Jay was a sharpshooter in the army and commanded a heavy artillery outfit in WWII. And hearing about Mrs. Skaggs returning her girls to their locked-down High School near Tippit’s murder scene (apparently during the time of the manhunt) added some drama and intrigue to their stories. I am glad that both of us have seen the interview.