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Author Topic: JFK: What the Doctors Saw  (Read 19309 times)

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2023, 09:57:25 AM »

This drawing from Dr. Mccelland looks reasonable from what the Zapruder and Moorman pics show.

This drawing from Dr. Mccelland looks reasonable from what the Zapruder and Moorman pics show.

 :D :D :D

Yeah buddy, its exactly what the Z-film shows!!
Do you see the difference between these two Z-frames?
Pay close attention to the shape of the top of JFK's head:

Do you see the massive crater where the top of his head used to be?
Would it help if I used an arrow to point out the massive crater in his head?:

And can you guess why the top of his head is missing?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2023, 09:57:25 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2023, 10:51:33 AM »
Just to highlight the Magical Thinking of Alteration Fantasists such as Horne, who believes the head wound we see in the Z-film was painted on [ ::)]
We have to suspend our disbelief in order to enter the Twilight Zone of the Altfan.
In order to achieve this "crater" effect in the top of JFK's head it would be necessary to paint what we see in the background in a consistent 'crater shape' onto JFK's intact head.
Just have a think about this - you can't just paint a crater onto his head. The crater is supposed to be a part of JFK's head that has gone missing. In order to achieve this effect you would have to paint the background to show where the part of JFK's head is missing.
Not only that, the background that is painted in to give the crater effect has to blend seamlessly with the actual footage. 

In the clip below, immediately after the shot, JFK's head rocks backwards, as it begins to come forwards the crater where the top of his head should be is obvious.
This is not a painted on effect.
Pieces of skull and brain were blown into the air and a massive piece of scalp, with bone still attached, is blown over to the right side of his head.

Offline Duncan MacRae

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Parkland Hospital Surgeon Malcolm Perry
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2023, 03:24:08 PM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Parkland Hospital Surgeon Malcolm Perry
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2023, 03:24:08 PM »

Offline Michael Welch

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2023, 05:59:21 PM »

This drawing from Dr. Mccelland looks reasonable from what the Zapruder and Moorman pics show.

 :D :D :D

Yeah buddy, its exactly what the Z-film shows!!
Do you see the difference between these two Z-frames?
Pay close attention to the shape of the top of JFK's head:

Do you see the massive crater where the top of his head used to be?
Would it help if I used an arrow to point out the massive crater in his head?:

And can you guess why the top of his head is missing?

Hi Dan, Again, what are you talking about? You mentioned Jenkins yesterday, and I really had to wonder about you! He is featured prominently in the film describing a small entrance wound at the front side of the president's head that was examined by Dr. Finck but not put in the autopsy report. He then talks about a large exit wound in the right rear. He drew this in his ARRB report! He and Dr. McClelland drew the same basic diagram. I was hoping you and John would have learned something....... Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2023, 07:29:07 PM »
Hi Dan, Again, what are you talking about? You mentioned Jenkins yesterday, and I really had to wonder about you! He is featured prominently in the film describing a small entrance wound at the front side of the president's head that was examined by Dr. Finck but not put in the autopsy report. He then talks about a large exit wound in the right rear. He drew this in his ARRB report! He and Dr. McClelland drew the same basic diagram. I was hoping you and John would have learned something....... Thank you for everything! Sincerely yours, Michael

Do you see the large crater where the top of JFK's head should be?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2023, 07:29:07 PM »

Online Jarrett Smith

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2023, 10:41:48 PM »

This drawing from Dr. Mccelland looks reasonable from what the Zapruder and Moorman pics show.

 :D :D :D

Yeah buddy, its exactly what the Z-film shows!!
Do you see the difference between these two Z-frames?
Pay close attention to the shape of the top of JFK's head:

Do you see the massive crater where the top of his head used to be?
Would it help if I used an arrow to point out the massive crater in his head?:

And can you guess why the top of his head is missing?

Your confused. I never said the top of the head wasn't blown out it was, but as my pics show there is a hole exactly where many of the witnesses place it on the upper rear of the head. The autopsy photos and x-rays were doctored there is too much eyewitness testimony the wounds did not match. My opinion they knew it was a conspiracy but lied to prevent a full scale war, which makes perfect sense under the circumstances. 

Online Jarrett Smith

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Re: Parkland Hospital Surgeon Malcolm Perry
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2023, 10:49:47 PM »

From the Parkland Doctors Documentary

"At the press conference, Dr. Perry, in describing the wound here [pointing to his throat], said he thought that it looked like an entrance wound," McClelland recalled.

"When he left the room, someone came up to him. Dr. Perry thought 'Maybe he was a secret service man.' And he told Dr. Perry, 'You must never, ever say that that was an entrance wound again if you know what’s good for you.'"

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2023, 11:35:34 PM »
Your confused. I never said the top of the head wasn't blown out it was, but as my pics show there is a hole exactly where many of the witnesses place it on the upper rear of the head. The autopsy photos and x-rays were doctored there is too much eyewitness testimony the wounds did not match. My opinion they knew it was a conspiracy but lied to prevent a full scale war, which makes perfect sense under the circumstances.

Your confused. I never said the top of the head wasn't blown out it was

You seemed very confused when you posted that McLelland's picture was somehow similar to what was shown in the Z-film. It looks absolutely nothing like what is shown in the Z-film. They are two completely different head wounds. McLelland depicts a blowout in the back of JFK's head, the Z-film shows that the top of JFK's head was blown off and that there was no blowout at the back.
You seem to agree that the top of JFK's head was blown off but you don't seem to have noticed that witnesses like McLelland aren't pointing that out.
You seem confused.

but as my pics show there is a hole exactly where many of the witnesses place it on the upper rear of the head.

The pictures you posted show nothing of the sort. They show absolutely nothing. You have simply put a circle on a picture as if that somehow demonstrates something.

What, exactly, do you believe the above picture shows? It's too blurred to make out any detail. Here's a better version of the pic I posted elsewhere, can you still see the thing you think you see in the pic you posted?

The autopsy photos and x-rays were doctored there is too much eyewitness testimony the wounds did not match.

The key to understanding why some (not all) witnesses are describing a wound just at the back of JFK's head is revealed in an interview with Jim Jenkins. Below is a post from another thread. For anyone actually interested in this issue the interview is worth checking out.

It boils down to this - what the Parkland Doctors report seeing concerning the head wound is different from what we see in the Z-film.
This seems like an insurmountable issue, it's either one or the other.

I believe these two, seemingly contradictory, positions can actually be reconciled. The key is understanding the exact nature of JFK's head wound.

The above is an interview with Jim Jenkins. He was a student at the Medical Technology School, part of Bethesda Naval Hospital and assisted with the autopsy that took place at Bethesda.
At around the 30 min mark Jenkins is describing the wound to the skull. He uses a replica skull to describe an area where occipital bone and tissue were missing. There was no laceration to the scalp in this area just missing bone and tissue:

"The wound was here, approximately where my finger is [he places his finger on the back right of the skull, next to the occipital bone]...and it extended down here. It was about three and a half inches long...about two inches wide. That was where the missing bone was and the missing tissue was."

He then goes on to describe a much larger injury:

"Remember, all of this portion [of the skull] in this area was fractured to the saggital suture[he indicates nearly the whole right side/top of the skull]...but it wasn't gone, it was still being kept intact by the scalp. The scalp had rents and tears in it [he indicates a line running along the saggital suture on the crown of the skull] seemed like some of those tears in the scalp had been surgically connected, little connections to follow the fracture line in here [again he indicates the length of the saggital suture on the crown of the skull]...
When Dr. Humes took the wrappings off the head, there was a secondary wrapping on it that I think was a he was taking it off this area kind of gapped open [he indicates that the whole top right side of the skull from the saggital suture downwards opened up] but as soon as we separated it from the towel it went back together."

Jenkins is describing an injury in which the whole right upper side of JFK's head comes away but can be put back again. He goes on:

"Now, that's significant for the fact is you could actually...lay this skull open, you could actually take your hands and separate it [he makes a motion with his hand to indicate the side of the skull could be opened up like a small, hinged door]. So, that would have given you access to the brain."

This is the key point about JFK's head wound - it was possible to "lay this skull open", to open up the side of his head and then put it back again. Jenkins is describing the truly massive wound we see in the autopsy pics and the Z-film. Not a localised wound at the back of the head but something that takes up the majority of the upper right side of JFK's head.
And this is why the doctors at Parkland didn't appreciate the full extent of JFK's head wound. They may have saw it but none of them actually examined it as they were busy trying to save his life. What they saw was the side of his head put back in place by Jackie on the way to Parkland but there was no real structural integrity to it, as he was lying on his back the contents of his head oozed out of a gap in the wound towards the rear of his head. Almost everyone at Parkland saw the same thing, matter oozing from a big hole towards the back of JFK's head.
What they did not see was that the whole side of JFK's head could come away to reveal the truly massive wound seen in the autopsy pics and the Z-film.

No need for film alteration.
The Z-film shows the injury Jenkins describes.
The way Jenkins describes the injury allows us to understand why the Parkland doctors appeared to report something different from the photo/film record.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2023, 11:37:05 PM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2023, 11:35:34 PM »