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Author Topic: JFK: What the Doctors Saw  (Read 16686 times)

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2023, 12:22:06 AM »


 Hi Jerry, 

  EXCELLENT GIF showing the forward head movement! 

   No matter what-the Orville Nix film very vividly also shows the forward head movement. 
« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 12:29:17 AM by Steve Barber »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2023, 12:22:06 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #33 on: November 19, 2023, 12:41:44 AM »
I see the infamous Cyril Wecht is also in this documentary, the following example which I don't think is in this doco but it is a good example of the extraordinary lengths Wecht will go to, to perpetuate his "ideas", e.g. equal height of seating, randomly sized occupants, wrong body orientation etc etc.

Anyway, in the documentary "What the doctors saw" he shows this silly little cartoon which is wrong in so many ways.

1) Kennedy's back wound is vertically inset from the right side of his neck but in the above diagram the back wound is almost in his armpit.

2) The exit wound on Connally was below his right nipple, not out of his shoulder.

3) CE399 struck Connally's wrist not half way down his forearm.

Seriously Cyril, is this what it takes??


« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 03:04:35 AM by John Mytton »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2023, 01:09:55 AM »
I was just looking through my JFKA imagery and came across this little gem.

The author of this composite image which obviously took some time to create, claimed that either 1 or both images were falsified due to the fact that the concrete wall behind the Limo was a different size as compared to the length of the Limo? And no, he/she/it wasn't joking!

Do any CT's concur with the original author's reasoning?

Btw along with the above Wecht nonsense, do these comically insane images and any others that exist deserve their own thread?

EDIT, I was just over at the Ed Forum and some guy devoted a thread about the mystery of the hidden Zapruder frame 312.5 and seems to be seriously concerned that Z312.5 which "captures a haunting, reddish mist enveloping President Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy" is absent from the NARA collection!? You can't make this stuff up, Brilliant!

« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 02:54:28 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2023, 01:09:55 AM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2023, 04:05:25 AM »
Of course you do!  Meanwhile, you ignore what Mrs., Kennedy told Theodore White one week after the assassination-in gory detail-how she "Kept trying to hold the top of his head down. Maybe I could keep it ("his brains") in". By the time the doctors saw the head wound, it had been inadvertantly altered by Mrs. Kennedy who obvilously put the large skull flap hanging from the top of his head inside-out in front of her husband's ear. extending over the temple.  Once she did this, the entire head wound wasn't seen by anyone else until the body reached Washington D.C.

    Several of you guys are confusing that Trap Door wound in the temple area with a Large Hole in the Back/Rear of JFK's skull. This HOLE in the back of his head is Now being connected to an Entry Wound in the neck/throat. This entry wound in the neck resulting in a blow-out exit wound in the back of JFK's head is rapidly gaining steam as we approach the 60 year anniversary of 11/22/63. 

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2023, 11:57:41 AM »
    Several of you guys are confusing that Trap Door wound in the temple area with a Large Hole in the Back/Rear of JFK's skull. This HOLE in the back of his head is Now being connected to an Entry Wound in the neck/throat. This entry wound in the neck resulting in a blow-out exit wound in the back of JFK's head is rapidly gaining steam as we approach the 60 year anniversary of 11/22/63.

 Several of you guys are confusing that Trap Door wound in the temple area with a Large Hole in the Back/Rear of JFK's skull.

I'm glad to see you finally acknowledging that JFK's head wound is far more complex than your imaginary "blow-out". You've come a long way.
It's good to see that Jarrett also acknowledges that the top of JFK's head was blown off.
This "Trap Door wound", as you put it, is the key to understanding why there has been so much confusion over this issue. Jenkins describes taking the wrapping off JFK's head and the whole side of his head coming away and that it could be put back in place. Once in place it was very difficult to grasp the full extent of the injury.
This injury can be seen in the Z-film, it is a large flap of scalp with bone still attached to the inside of it. A truly grotesque injury.
This flap was described by others:

Floyd Riebe - Yes, there was a flap of bone over on the side above the temporal area.
Jerrol Custer - the only thing that held it together was the skin. And even that was loose...This is where all the trauma was (on the right side), right here… Right anatomical side again".
John Stringer - Well...the side of the head, the bone was gone. But there was a flap, where you could lay it back. But the back...It was a complete head of hair

It must be remembered, once this large flap of scalp and bone was put back in place (which Jackie apparently did on the way to Parkland), the full extent of the injury was impossible to gauge. What a lot of people saw was JFK in a prone position with brain matter oozing from an apparent hole in the back of his head. A handful of people described an injury that was just in the back of the head but none of these people saw the full extent of the injury. None of then examined the injury, they were just reporting their impressions of what they saw.
It must also be remembered that not everyone at Parkland saw a wound exclusively at the back of the head. The following is from Pat Speer's website:

"Dr. Burkley was aware of but one wound on Kennedy's head, a large wound by his temple. As far as the Parkland staff, well, Dr. Baxter testified before the Warren Commission that the wound was temporal and parietal, and thus near the ear, and not on the back of the head. Dr. Salyer, as well, testified that the wound was in the "right temporal area," and thus near the ear, and not on the back of the head. While Dr. Giesecke testified before the Commission was a large wound stretching from the vertex to the ear, and the brow-line to the occiput, and thus not the hole on the back of the head recalled by others. In fact, he later admitted to Vincent Palamara that although he "did not examine the President's head and should never have said anything about the wounds,"
"...Dr. Don Curtis...specified to researcher Vincent Palamara that the wound was on the "posterior lateral surface of the skull," the side of the head. Dr. William Midgett's story is similar. While his presence in the emergency room was confirmed by the Warren Commission testimony of several nurses, his impressions were not recorded until decades later when he was interviewed first by Gerald Posner and then Wallace Milam. He is reported to have told Posner the wound was "more parietal than occipital" and to have told Milam it was an approximately 6 cm wound in the parietal area behind the ear."
"When contacted by researcher Vincent Palamara in 1998, [Dr. Donald] Seldin is reported to have claimed that the bullet exploded the skull, and that the "frontal, parietal, and temporal bones were shattered." No mention of the occipital bone."
"Sharon x-ray intern at Parkland on the day of the shooting, performed an oral history interview for the Sixth Floor Museum on 1-27-02, and claimed she saw the back of Kennedy's head in the hallway before he was moved into Trauma Room One. She claimed: "The top of his head was gone... One of the doctors came down the hall shaking his head and he said it looked like someone had dropped a ripe watermelon on the floor. This is what the top of his head looked like. And we could see that. We could see his head. It wasn't draped yet."

A handful of doctors who were busily trying to save the President's life and who did not examine the head wound were mistaken when they felt they were describing the full extent of the head wound.
Rather than accept this very straight-forward reality, the Tinfoil Nutjob Brigade insist these few men were right, that everyone else who saw something different is a liar, that the Z-film was altered and that all other films of the assassination had to be similarly altered, that the autopsy X-rays were altered and that the autopsy pictures were also altered.
On one hand is the understandable mistake of a handful, on the other, a mountain of testimonial/film/photographic evidence demonstrating these few were mistaken.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 11:58:57 AM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2023, 11:57:41 AM »

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2023, 12:05:50 PM »
Dan O'meara link=topic=3851.msg152537#msg152537 date=1700293745]
Thanks for that video it pretty much confirms what the parkland doctors saw

Which of the Parkland doctors saw a head wound that took up virtually the whole upper right side of JFK's skull, from just behind the front hairline to the back of his head?
A wound that could be opened and closed like a hinged door?

Dr. Salyer

So the fatal shot was from the front

Then why, at the moment of impact, is JFK's first movement forward?

He was shot from behind, then front. Bang-Bang

Not really shocking I do think they were afraid of War thus the Cover Up.

You don't think the cover up was because it wasn't the Russians?

Not at first no

Which of the Parkland doctors saw a head wound that took up virtually the whole upper right side of JFK's skull, from just behind the front hairline to the back of his head?
A wound that could be opened and closed like a hinged door?

Dr. Salyer

Now I am confused.
Why would Sayler be saying the autopsy photos were altered?

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2023, 04:08:01 PM »
I see the infamous Cyril Wecht is also in this documentary, the following example which I don't think is in this doco but it is a good example of the extraordinary lengths Wecht will go to, to perpetuate his "ideas", e.g. equal height of seating, randomly sized occupants, wrong body orientation etc etc.

Anyway, in the documentary "What the doctors saw" he shows this silly little cartoon which is wrong in so many ways.

1) Kennedy's back wound is vertically inset from the right side of his neck but in the above diagram the back wound is almost in his armpit.

2) The exit wound on Connally was below his right nipple, not out of his shoulder.

3) CE399 struck Connally's wrist not half way down his forearm.

Seriously Cyril, is this what it takes??


   John -  Keep checking "You Tube". With the anniversary date quickly approaching, all kinds of new stuff is being posted from credible sources. Some guy with a lab operation in Colorado did an extensive 360 Mapping of Dealey Plaza. Via computer, he has also input 30+ images from 11/22/63 to keep his 360 Dealey Plaza, "dead on balls accurate". He then lines up the 6th Floor Snipers Nest with the JFK Limo. The SBT turns out to be impossible via his lab's work product. Once again, we are getting back to the placement of Connally's Jump Seat vs where Connally was actually physically positioned when the SBT was allegedly fired. Very Professionally done work. You need to check it out.

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2023, 05:35:05 PM »
A rehash of what we already know. About 5 minutes of worthy info padded out with 85 minutes of filler. "It was a sunny day" etc.

    What about the throat wound being observed at Parkland Hospital as an Entry Wound?  Is this the "padded" you're referencing? An entrance wound in the throat = Conspiracy. Rather than "padded", this is a Game Changer. And this Entrance Wound is not just observed, it is notated. Good thing Humes was not working at Parkland Hospital or this clerical documentation might have been thrown into a blazing fireplace.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 05:36:37 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: JFK: What the Doctors Saw
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2023, 05:35:05 PM »