Jacks provides another detail in his initial report that tells us something important about the first shot:
At that time I heard a shot ring out which appeared to come from the right rear of the Vice President's car. Mr. Rufus Youngblood, the Secret Service Agent riding in my car asked me what that was and at the name time he advised the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson to get down. He climbed to the rear of the seat with the Vice President and appeared to be shielding the Vice President with his own body. At that time I heard two more shots ring out.There are multiple reports of this particular incident:
The first shot rings out.
Youngblood turns to his right to determine where the shot has come from.
He shouts for everyone in the back to "Get down".
He jumps in the back and lays over Johnson.
Two more shots ring out.
Below is a crop from Altgens 6 originally posted by Jerry Organ on "The First Shot" thread.
It captures a moment that equates to z255 in the Z-film.
In it we see the driver, Jacks, circled in yellow.
Seated in the left rear of the vehicle [far right as we look at it] is Senator Yarborough. His faced is partially obscured but he appears to be smiling.
In the centre rear seat we can see Ladybird Johnson smiling away without a care in the world.
Johnson and Youngblood are more difficult to make out. In the circle marked "LBJ" we can see the back of Youngblood's head, in silhouette, turned to his right. Johnson appears to be leaning forward as if to listen to Youngblood, we can just about make out the side of his head, his facial features are obscured behind Youngblood's head:

The fatal head shot is about 3 seconds away.
The first shot has sounded, causing Youngblood to look to his right. He is still sat in the front seat and is yet to order everyone to get down, meaning the first shot has literally just rang out.
So, what does this tell us about the first shot?
In Altgens 6 we see that JFK is clearly hit meaning the single shot that has so far been fired has hit it's mark.
It is telling us that there was no first shot miss!In "The First Shot" thread I have posted an overwhelming amount of evidence demonstrating that the first shot hit JFK [and JBC] and that it was fired around z222.
The Altgens pic posted here was taken just under two seconds after the first shot was fired. Before the next shot is fired, Youngblood shouts at everyone in the back to get down, jumps in the back and covers Johnson's body with his own.
This is how all of the Secret Service agents should have reacted.