Oh sorry, John, did I hurt your feelings?
I wasn't responding to you??
Why the question marks? You don't know who you were responding to?
And even if I was, the fact that my Mountain of Rock Solid Evidence will be here for eternity, whereas your speculation based on your faith is currently being flushed down the toilet, is presently where you're at.
Nasty, nasty, but hilarious nevertheless. It's funny, but I can actually understand how a little person can confuse an actual molehill for some sort of mountain. It's all a matter of perspective.
Why the question marks? You don't know who you were responding to?
You seem to be unaware of the formatting procedure of a Forum! So if you haven't learnt by now, after all this time that you spend here, I really can't help you.
Nasty, nasty, but hilarious nevertheless.
How was my post in any way "nasty", it's clear that you are the one with the hurt feelings! Poor misunderstood Martin! LOL!
It's funny, but I can actually understand how a little person can confuse an actual molehill for some sort of mountain.
A plethora of Eyewitnesses, physical evidence at the crime scene, physical evidence on the Murderer, flight, changing appearance, more attempted murder, etc etc, is a MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE and on the other hand from Martin we have coulda, shoulda, woulda, probably, speculation and bucketloads of insults! Nice Work.