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Author Topic: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape  (Read 16531 times)

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2023, 01:54:03 AM »
Reply @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
Sounds like motorcycle microphone becomes stuck open from 11:10ish onwards.

Reply 14 replies @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
Until 17:38ish

Reply @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
STRAIGHT after sirens can be heard.

Reply @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
27:40-28:24 ish. Broadcast of description of suspect in shooting at Houston and Elm - long before Brennan gave his description. Who provided that description that was broadcast at about 12:44pm.

Reply @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
30:54-31:08 is same description - time was 12:48pm.

Reply @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
Call for #78 (Tippit) at 44:12 - no reply

Reply @fifiwoof1969 10 months ago
49:10 last description broadcast before Tippit shooting reported.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #24 on: November 20, 2023, 01:54:03 AM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2023, 04:12:09 AM »
The sirens can be heard approaching starting at dictabelt-16:08.   Sirens end at d16:48.
The open mike was across the road from the trade mart, so, the jfklimo got there at say d16:12.
The shots ended at say 60 seconds before d13:57 (not 3 seconds after d13:57), ie at d12:57.
So, Oswald's shot-1 would have been at say d12:45 (ie 0:12 before the last shot).
So, the JFK limo got to near the trade mart say  3:27 after shot-1 (ie d16:12 minus d12:45).
This 3:27 includes say 0: 30 stoppage time on the Stemmons onramp (according to Brown & Hoffman).
So, it took the JFK limo 2:57 of travel time (from shot-1 to trade mart).

I wonder how far it is from Dealey to trade mart.
12:31:03 This is at Z312 according to Select Committee (ie the last shot).
12:30:51  This is Oswald's shot-1, if u deduct 0:12 from Z312 (ie if first shot to last shot is 12 sec).
12:36:00  JFK limo gets to Parkland hozzie (needs checking).
That’s 4:09. Deduct 0:30 of stoppage gives 3:39 of travel time overall (from shot-1 to Parkland).
Deduct  2:57 tells us that the JFK limo took  0:42 to get from trade mart to hozzie.

That duznt work. My estimate off a map says that trade mart to Parkland is half the distance of Dealey Plaza to trade mart, so, looked at simply, the time should be in the ratio 1 to 2, not 0:42 to 2:57.
If 1 to 2 then it should be 01:13 to 02:26 based on just the distances (& based on a total of 3:39 of travel time from shot-1 to Parkland).
In other words the above timings seem to suggest that the motorcade stopped for much more than 30 seconds (on the Stemmons onramp).
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 02:08:44 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2023, 04:33:54 AM »
Here is what i wrote about the motorcade stopping, from another thread.,2886.msg146876.html#msg146876

............ I am thinking that the only possibly helpful bit of the whole Hoffman saga is his mention that Queen Mary stopped, & turned its warning lights off, ie turned its siren off. Hoffman would see that the lights were turned off, but being deaf would not know that the siren was turned off. So, i smell some truth here. Hoffman concocted most of his sad story by reading articles over a number of years. But, was there ever anything written about the Queen Mary stopping on the onramp? – i don’t think so. So, i think that Hoffman saw something with his own eyes. Being deaf he would not have been able to eavesdrop on (at least 6) gawkers talking amongst themselves near Hoffman's Lookout on the overpass (plus say  60 gawkers in the 3 car queues blocked at the rail bridge).

Earle Brown on the rail bridge said that the "whole motorcade" stopped on the on-ramp (access ramp) for praps 30 seconds.
The "whole motorcade" would have been (1) JFK limo, (2) Curry in lead car, (3) Queen Mary, (4) VP limo, & praps (5) the VP follow-up car with SS agents, & praps later (6) a patrol bike (if it caught up during the stoppage).
Here above i assume that (2) the lead car has a little earlier cut in between the JFK limo & Queen Mary.

Problem-1.  Hoffman "said" (in his book i think) that when the Queen Mary was below him the JFK limo had already passed the rail bridge (ie the JFK limo was over 100 yd ahead of Queen Mary). Or, praps Hoffman meant that when the Queen Mary stopped the JFK limo kept going & therefore was soon a long way ahead. In any case Hoffman's version of the stoppage is not the same as Brown's version (Brown said that the whole motorcade stopped).

Problem-2.  Hoffman duznt mention the lead car, nor the VP limo & its SS follow-up car. Or praps he duz mention them in his book (i haven’t redd his book).

I don’t remember patrolman Murphy on the overpass over the onramp ever mentioning that the lead car cut in front of Queen Mary before Queen Mary reached the eastern side of the overpass where Murphy was standing (no big deal).  Murphy (after Queen Mary had passed under him) probly ran 24 yd over to the western side of the overpass in say 7 sec to catch another glimpse of the JFK limo.
Problem-3.  Had the motorcade stopped (near say Hoffman's Lookout) then Murphy (after he ran over to the western barrier) would have had time for a good view looking down on the confusion. But Murphy never mentions running over, & duznt mention any such stoppage & confusion.

How would a stoppage look?  Praps the lead car pulled up next to the JFK limo, & praps Curry said follow us to the hospital,  & praps then the lead car took the lead again (ie it had been in the lead when it entered the triple underpass). The onramp is wide enuff for the lead car to pass the JFK limo, & in any case the left kerb has a semi-mountable profile that accommodates passing.

So, i reckon that Hoffman was indeed somewhere on the overpass next to the onramp, & saw Queen Mary (probly already) stopped, & saw Queen Mary turn its warning lights off. But Hoffman forgot about other details. I doubt that Hickey pointed the AR15 at Hoffman. I doubt that Hoffman ran towards Brown waving his arms. I doubt that Hoffman made an early exit in his Falcon, etc.

SSA Hill is still alive. Someone should ask him whether the motorcade stopped on the onramp. However, i suspect that such a stoppage would have been hushed up – koz it would have been yet another failure of the SS (say Failure-4 of 10), ie not knowing how to get to the nearest emergency hospital.

A motorcade stoppage on the onramp would do little to help our understanding of what happened in Dealey Plaza re the jfk shots (ie the attempted assassination by Oswald & the accidental homicide by Hickey).
But the existence of the stoppage might help our understanding of ….
(1)  the ensuing coverup of the accidental homicide, &
(2) the utter litany of failures re the facts & factoids, &
(3) the stupidity of many researchers & supposed experts (ie on this forum & other forums), &
(4) the ongoing hysteria of dullards with broken BS-meters arguing in ever increasing circles re their favorit dogma re the first shot & a magic bullet & a big hole in the back of the head & a shot from the front & a shooter at the paling fence etc.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2023, 04:39:17 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2023, 04:33:54 AM »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2023, 06:43:17 AM »
The following info re the motorcade stopping on the Stemmons onramp is from the www & forums.
DPD Officer Earle Brown, on the railway overpass above Stemmons, told Earl Golz in March 1980 that he saw the limo and 4 other cars stop on the Stemmons on-ramp for at least 30 secs.
Brown later repeated his story for Gary Mack.
Officer Doug Jackson told Mack in 1981 that he and Chaney raced after the lead car, caught up with it after about 30 secs, and Chaney spoke through the window to Curry.
Curry told another researcher in 1979 that Chaney caught up with him as they began climbing the Stemmons on-ramp.
Curry told Mack that he slowed down in order to find out if anyone had been hit, as he was unaware that anyone had been hit until Chaney told him.
He also said he then had to tell the limousine driver, Secret Service agent Bill Greer, how to get to Parkland Hospital, before issuing “Go to hospital” order.
Curry told the Warren Commission that he did not transmit on Channel 2 until after he spoke to Motorcycle Officer Jim Chaney.
DPD Officer Courson said the lead car had slowed sufficiently for him to catch it on the Stemmons access road, and Courson was 100-120 feet behind McLain in the motorcade, and McLain was himself about 140 feet behind the Presidential limo when the shots were fired. Courson was approx. 80 yds behind JFK at Z-313.

So, it makes sense that the JFK limo stopped for at least 30 sec on the onramp,
to get directions from the SSA agents on Queen Mary, which also stopped (probably side by side).

Both limos turned off their flashing lights & sirens so that they could converse (Hoffman).
Using their radios would have been quicker, but would have been public & embarrassing.
Why did Curry (in the lead car) stop on the onramp & ask Officer Chaney if anyone had been hurt?
Curry could have driven up to the rear of the 2 limos & asked them directly.
But i suppose that Curry did not suspect that JFK & Connally had been shot, Curry was probly only worried about the general public etc getting shot.
JFK & Connally ducking down out of sight was of no concern.
Anyhow, it appears that the guys in Queen Mary were no wiser re the best way to get to Parklands.
So, Greer & Kellerman must have hollered to Curry & Co when the lead car finally reached the limos.
Curry then probly told Greer to follow the lead car, & the lead car probly took the lead again (Curry was the driver).
And it makes sense that the JFK limo was stopped for at least 30 sec.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 06:48:13 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: New Article by Steve Barber on the Dictabelt Tape
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2023, 06:43:17 AM »