I wrote a reply that had specific points that no one replied to. So, I'm posting them again. First, the SS threatened Dr. Malcolm Perry for giving a medical opinion about a gunshot wound, a subject where he had expertise. Second, the SS confiscated all evidence, video and transcripts, of the Nov. 22 press conference at Parkland, which took place a couple of hours after the assassination. It was at this press conference that Dr. Perry -- an expert in gunshot injuries -- identified the front throat wound as an entrance wound. Third, the SS threatened to rescind Dr. Perry's medical license if he ever said that again. Only extortionists behave like this. What makes this all so strange, is that the SS began its terror campaign against Dr. Perry on the afternoon of Nov. 22. At that time, no one could possibly have known whether or not a shot had been fired from the front. So, why did the SS behave this way? Is there no one on this forum who can at least offer some speculation? To repeat, why was the SS, before they had done any investigation of the crime scene, so rock solid certain that no shot had been fired from the front?